Pittspeed Is Dead

Aside from The BRA which is Great, Nothing Ever really goes on anymore on the board. We Should Try to start another nocturnal nights venue again. something to get the blood pumping again on here.

I don’t think its dead as much as everyone is getting older and gaining more responsibilities, its tough to get everyone together in one place.


jeff is still my date buddy

secret racing forum!

also a lot of people changed their interests/ got castrated/mangina…whatever you wanna call it

When I joined here a few years ago this site was hopping…tons of great information AND always something funny to read. It’s really ashame what’s happened to it.

What do you expect out of a bunch of aging bench racers? The intertubes penii contests are entertaining though.

Life happens, people get married, have children, priorities change.

i go to at least 2 pittspeed meets weekly…

maybe there are tons of pittspeed meets, but no one likes you and doesn’t invite you to them?

that sounds incredible lame. Pittspeed meets?!?! get serious. it 's random people that know of pittspeed :rofl:

it’s not dead. facebook killed the forum star. this will out live facebook, until whitey pulls the plug

Ps.your farms and mafia are lame welcome to 1999

like them or not…Ricers gave people with decent cars a reason to show up. Also and i think this is a big one… people dont/wont drive anywhere… for example some people act like goin from monroeville to pittsburgh is like OMG!!! its freakin 10 mins away… i drove to UT, mt Pleasant, zeli, keystone… and still thought nothing of it. my last point is kinda funny but i def think its true… when BJ sold the subbie and wrecked the T, the scene died… the dude was like toretto, people seemed drawn to where he was. lol

as far as priorities… i think in some ways thats a lame excuse. I see people go out and drink on a friday/ saturday that are married and have kids…its more they turned into lame alkies than got priorities.

Who the fuck wants to hang out with a bunch of ass hole douche bags??? To be honest I would rather hang out with a small group of people who are on this forum than try to get a “meet” going. This is mostly due to the fact that I can call a small group of people and still have a turn out and there is no planning, it can be a spur of the moment idea. No one wants to sit there and plan a fucking meet. And when people do plan a so called meet people dont show anyways which in turn makes the people not want to plan another meet just to have no one show up.

we are not talking about planned meets…you could go to like several different spots at random on a given night 5 years ago and find 30 cars… VIP, uniontown, the strip, etc…

My bad I never actually read what people say mostly bc I dont give a fuck but yeah, people grow up and have responsibilities. Once you start getting old you can"t stay out all night and go to work the next day. Plus as you grow up you mature and start thinking about consequences, like “If I get busted street racing I could lose my license, if I lose my license I cant get to work/work” You can call people pussies all you want but the fact of the matter is that life happens, we all grow up, we go through phases, a lot of people on this forum have started families, their days of driving around at night looking for a meet are over.

see not 100% true. The older group of ppl that were in the parking lots had familys and married and etc. The younger group are now pushing mid 20s and using the whole “married thing” as their lame excuse. Yes its taking another step in your life but to say thats the reason you dont go out with friends is bullshit. You dont have to race or act a fool when you “meet up” the old heads actually used to set rules if you were caught acting a clown you were shunned from the next meet. I seen a white supra drift a parking lot of a meet and it was frowned apond greatly. After that never seen that car at another meet. Also the days of racing have been around since who knows when and they met up like clock work reguardless. Pittsburgh is lame for this, go other places and they still do this.

comes down to pittsburgh a drinking town that has a hobby every now and then

I think you both are missing the point here, priorities change, I have more important shit to do that drive around pittsburgh everynite looking for people to park in a parking lot with. As I’ve gotten older I unfortunately put a lot more things in front of “cruising” then I used to have, I’m sure this is much the same way as everyone as else. So its not that we’re pussies or pushing out some lame excuse, its just that I would imagine most people just have more IMPORTANT shit to do.

Does it suck, absolutely but at the same time, maybe instead of running your gums on here, try doing something about it. I posted up about a meetup on here last week and by the time I got down there, there were probably 100 cars, I didn’t promote it, but word of mouth works, so step up and do it instead of wasting energy typing about it. And this isn’t directed just at you quik, but at everyone complaining about it

I also have shit load on my plate and so does others but you can still find time to hang out. However a Sunday night doesn’t work. Reason why we meet on Fri or sat
But ppl rather drink those days thus drinking town

i use to go out because i lived with my parents… now i have my own house and i enjoy staying at my house and fucking…
