If you could choose right now, would you NOT be into cars?

I’ll make it a poll.

It’s like the matrix. You can take a pill and forget ever knowing anything about cars/motorcycles, ever liking them, etc etc. If you take this pill cars will, in essence, no longer interest you as anything other than transportation. You retain all your knowledge to fix them, but as a hobby, they will never interest you again.

I probably would.

I feel like i could be MUCH more productive/fiscally responsible if i wasn’t into cars. It’s too time consuming, thought consuming, and expensive.

Living in Buffalo is making me want to quit having a car at all. Oct-Apr every year without being able to really do anything sucks.

If I were elsewhere I would think more people would be into it.

No way… what the fuck else would you do with your time. Read books, watch TV, become a movie critic, point and laugh at the poor?

Give me cars and the hassle that comes with them.

1st vote!!!
Hell naw i love cars and combined with not being poor or stupid they don’t cause me any major headaches. People that will not want the car bug will be people that have let the car bug take them into debt or take away from their desired financial goals.

Naw, but I’ve also never been in too deep. :shrug:

nope… i am fiscally responsible still, and have a decent car for what I am into them for.

I disagree. I can afford to do everything i choose to do. However, because i have the car bug, i put it in front of a LOT of other things. But it goes beyond a monetary standpoint.

I THINK ABOUT CARS ALL THE TIME. I wonder what good i could do, create, etc. if i wasn’t into cars…

Are you losing sleep? I haven’t sleep right in 2 weeks being that I’m way too excited for my new purchase. (Thursday it will be all over )

I kinda saw this coming so for the sake of argument understand that I am not saying my statement holds true to everyone. But that i feel that most people that would want rid of the car bug this would be the case. But hey opinions are like assholes anyhow. So you have it that bad eh? I was way more into them a few years ago and I was kinda consumed with them at one point.

I do this alot, because I buy cars and projects way too much.
I’;; start thinking of what I’m going to do, and I’ll start mapping out doing it all in my head.
Most nights I’ll actually be tired about to go to sleep, and thinking of cars normally leads for me to jump out of bed and pace rappidly in train of thought.

I’ve got a problem.

i don’t MIND that i like cars, but i am REALLY into them. I wish i could be into something more… constructive… either physically (maybe music or something) or socially (traveling).

Make sense?

i voted Yes, altho now that i think about it if i wasn’t spending money on cars i’d probably just be spending it on somthing else anyways :gotme: i guess ideally it’d be nice if i was still “into” cars, just not AS much as i am.

Thats just it… you’re going to spend time & money on a hobby. No matter what.

I don’t doubt i would still blow just as much money, but I feel it could be better allocated.

I guess it could be worse… I could be into drugs.


If I had thousands and thousands in mods then yeah, give me the pill that fixes me. Having a fun quick stock car though isn’t too bad financially, and you save lots of money by doing your own maintenance.

hmmm, i think i would RATHER be really in to cars and have the money to blow on the hobby, than be really into cars and be too poor to live out my aspirations.

that would really suck.

What, so I could sit around be be even more nerdy? Too much pasty white for me.

Yea it sure does and traveling has really bit into my car funds big time. The year before i deployed i tried to go somewhere new almost every month. Now i want to see and experience as many different cultures as i can. My traveling budget will be bigger then my car budget over the next few years i think.


Who would hack up m-tech bumpers and piss off people on the intrawebz then? But to be serious i think you will feel better once you get the project finished and can enjoy all of your work.

Im not really into them as I never modded one or anything, but i love knowing about them and constantly learning.

Maybe when im not so fucking poor i can be more into them

Oh, this actually has very little to do with the bmw. I still LIKE cars. I’m not disillusioned (i have been before, though, but i’ve greatly changed my outlook). This was just a passing thought i had, and was curious to see how other’s reacted.

I legitimately think if i could erase cars from my head, i would travel a lot and play drums a lot.