Cars are a disease. Cures?

Welp, Seems like every time I sell a project or whatever I end up craving the itch to get right back into another. I feel like I have nothing better to do so I wind up in another project.

Does anyone have any cost effective alternatives I can get into that are still fast and fun? I’m super close to saving up for an ATV, because lets face it, they’re fast as fuck and fun as hell. I’m just worried about getting bored with it and selling it.

I’m just looking for something that I can have fun with that I can be content with.
I constantly like change as some/most of you have noticed. I’m also really competitive. I just like things that I can progress in and have fun with that won’t completely break the bank.

Let me know what you guys think.
and I’ll :picard: myself in advance to save all of you the trouble.

My big thing is to focus on school, but I need something to have fun with in my free time instead of sitting home playing COD4 all day.

RC cars. :gotme:

Masturbate more. :gotme:

Read. :gotme:

I was into RC cars for a few years, I’d rather be into something a bit more physical.

Make more money?

Trying. Will be working full time again this summer with a better paying job.

Get a girlfriend?

More or less have one. It’s just not “official”

get a house…the car thing goes out the window.

Your fucked.
The only thing you can do if fuck yourself hard enough financially where you can’t spend money on cars.

I’m 18…lol.

I’m looking for something motorsport related I guess, which I realize isn’t cheap, but I’d rather spend the time riding/driving/racing, rather than building/fixing/spending money.

Basically my financial situation anyways lol. I still find ways to put money into the wrong places…aka cars.

I have tried to cure this.
It is like cancer.

I call it AIDS lol. What I srsly think I need is another payment to suck up all my excess money. I’ve been considering a bike, but I don’t know how to go about the whole parent thing reacting to that…

building and racing go hand and hand with fixing and spending money.
Buy a stock car.
Go run hornets at holland, its cheap and fun.

there is no hope for you then.

Ehhh it’s a bit too redneck for me. plus I’m not towing a shitty car with my good car.

open up an online brokerage and get a mutual fund with 80% of your money and fuck around with the other 20%


i realize you don’t want a house but this is slowly working for me lol. i keep wanting shit for my car. then i sit back and realize i want to change things with my house even more.

Get a bike. Rip it up.

Go cart racing.
It is fun as hell!!!