sober people... got a q

what do you do?

i cant think of anything to do sober, or atleast anything that wouldnt be better if i were drinking.

so, give me something to do.



better when im drunk

play frisbee?

yea…i just don’t know what they do :lol:


read a book. u cant do that drunk haha

i havent had a drink in a couple days, and i gotta say… this shits boring

Drive/Race cars (legally)

heres the thing. i spend a lot of money drinking (seriously, when i say a lot, i mean a lot). so the idea is to cut back, and i will save more loot. racing isnt going to save me some loot.

I Like to laugh at drunk people making idiots of themselves…or if i am home i like to draw what i think would make the sweetest supercars or take action photos of my car form auto-x and draw it


so far the only thing i have come up with is… take a nap

I drive. alot. 5k miles in 6 weeks. I run. Alot. I read the news. Alot. Girl= lots of time too.

Gym, sports, drive.

Wow, I’m kind of disturbed that that’s all I can think of…

I work on the car and ride my quad


Car stuff, video games, movies, sports, pool, darts, hanging out with friends ( even if they’re drunk), Hangout with a girlfriend…

mountain bike

nope, that’s still better when drunk :gotme: give blood? crack?