how long are going to be in the car game?

im always doin something.i just bought a project car and am all about. i really cant see myself doing anything else in my life but fucking with cars.
anyone else?
anyone about done? jw

wow. you mean this is the biggest and best thing that you have going?

I was hoping I would have grown out of this by now and be modding my house instead but nope, can’t really see an end to this anytime soon.

I will never grow out of cars. In terms of what my tastes and function for the car, that will surely change.

I will always be into cars, it’s how I feed my family and how the 2 generations before me did. I don’t see it changing anytime soon either.

ima lifer, even tho everytime I run into more n more problems with a project, I say Im going to buy a new car and just enjoy it.

i will always be into cars but i try to not to let it consume my finances and therefore other parts of my life

Ya know I will always be into cars, no matter how many times I try to shake it, I just cant do it, but with the cost of fuel and the rising cost of FUCKIN EVERYTHING it just makes no sense anymore as a young person to spend your hard earned cash on stupid fuckin cars, it makes me so sad to think that I have to give it up, but its just insane to think you can spend soooo much money just to have a cool, flashy, fast, ext. car and still be able to live and pay your bills, not unless your making serious bank (which the good majority of people on here do not) it sux but priorites come first. once I sell the stealth (Or probably give it away for that matter) I’ll be in a boring, reliable good MPG DD for a LONG time, just my opinion though. It sux cause I based my whole life on wanting to be around fast cars forever and thats just Isnt gonna happen now. :[

it’s like heroin, i need something as powerful to help kick it

I’ve fallen in love with cars and will always be tinkering with something

Not currently in it,a couple years back I was.

When I own a house with a garage and I’m financially set,that’s when I’ll get a toy.

More assets,less liabilities.

/nutshell :wave:

Just cause you get a little older and buy house , have family,etc… doesnt mean you get out. I slowed my car habit down bought a house, got married, had kids, bought bigger house, and now am right back into it.

Been into cars since I was really young, don’t think it’s ever going to end.

Although I do find that I like hobbies that are similar where you can mod things / have projects.


I have definitely changed the way I will spend money on cars, but I will always be into cars and will never drive anything stock.

till coke becomes cheaper…lol


I’m always working on my accord and always say that it will be the last time but ever winter i mess with it again and I think if i sold it i would buy another car and work on it

I’m pretty much out. I haven’t driven my Mustang in 2 years and I haven’t done anything to my WRX. I spend my money on my house now.

my entire life…key is do it slowly. One thing at a time…bubble slow then you blow.