Who's NOT Building a car right now??

Just thinking about how Newman, MPD, U2N, SG, etc. etc. are all still building and rebuilding rediculous cars year after year… a few new DMCC guys from Ontario this year going into action again as well…

This will be my first year NOT dumping $10k into a car in a long time… feels weird… It’s been a few years since pulling all-nighters on sunday’s trying to put a turbo set-up back together in time to get to work the next morning… do not miss those days…

Where’s Lafengas at?

S1DC is pretty mild right now too…

If you’re not building one and usually are… what’s your excuse?

While I don’t feel I’ve built cars to the caliber of those mentioned…lately my house and boat have kept me from my cars. Last build was a '55 Chevy for my dad…I’m trying to decide if I want to dedicate time/money into my Mustang next, or sell that off and get something new…will know in time, but for the next few months it’s all about the boat restoration for me.

What about mine :frowning:

focusing on school so I can get a job that will allow me to afford to do it right.

3rd degrees the charm…

first time in a long time that im not building a car… its kind of weird and i have alot of free time that i used to spend looking for parts or doing last minute repairs

my excuse is that i just graduated with my 2nd degree and im relocating… so no where to work on a car and dont really have the time untill i get all settled in with the new job/location

or how about people on here that said they were building stuff and never did. even carried over from ubrf. onyx/cartmen, etc.
edit: where did lafengas vanish to anyway…

Too much money to think about right now. Once I have a house and get settled in a year or two, I’ll definitely start something up.

Building a career right now !!

Investing all the money into myself…!!

Cars come and cars go !! There will always be another car to work on…to restore…to modify.

You only get a few chances to get your act together so that you are set for the rest of your life. Wasn’t born under a money tree, so gotta bust the ass for it !! Good stuff though …lol !!

Sounds exactly like me. Other than throw a marriage/divorce in there as well.

LOL one, you are very EXCITED!!! Two, some people are sweet enough to be building their lives and building cars. Three, I am SO sick of this I gave up cars for my life bs.

yep, school comes first, plus financially im not there to dump shit loads of money on my car, i feel guilty not helping the rents out… but that doesnt mean im not creating my blue print

wow this thread DOESN’T belong on NYspeed… whats this fiscally responsible poop. Go to a home and garden web page, get the poop off my SPEED forum. seriously.

that said I havent had a big project but by next year i plan to start a Cressida project… just need to find the clean shell

Edit: im with cougerspeed. if cars are such a passion, they should be a priority everything else should fit around them. yep I picked my wife becouse she could drive stick. I picked my house because it has a 2.5 car garage. sure do those things take time and money yep. but I still keep turning a wrench every spare moment.

Word! Real car guys will get their cake and eat it too. There is no one or the other rule.

you gotta put in the work first to " have the cake and eat it too"…and im at that stage

Built That shit Last year…minor upgrades this winter. Waiting to shred some rubber baby!!!

Real smart car guys will plant accordingly so that when they do it, it gets done right, and won’t run out of funds. :slight_smile:

That said, I’ll never be able to give up cars. But continuously modding cars (properly) is not cheap.

1 cheap daily
1 cheap project
1 reliable nice new car for the mrs
focusing on school

Fixing Bike.

Not a project but definitely an expense to fix for sure.

Waiting to own a garage :frowning:

Currently finishing up my black MR2, should be a couple more months…