WTF Happened to NYSpeed

Wow how bout a little cheese with that wine.

Carnut- Its funny everything you said is exactly what we were talking about at work today. Most people who come into our shop now a days come in for maintence stuff. People arent worried about modifing their cars anymore. The company “APC” just went under, and 5 years ago all I could see on cars were the giant “APC” logos in the front windshields. I dont know if people are starting to just grow away from the fad of “decking out cars” or just started to see how much of a money trap they are. Most of the cars that are out there that hold their value, cant be bought by 85% of the people on here. People by neons, hondas etc etc and never see the money back that they put into it. Or its not “cool” anymore to put bodykits, spoilers or things like that because it is considered “ricer”. I dont think the car world will ever be as popular again as it was back in the years of 2000-2002 during the whole “Fast and Furious” thing.

A lot of guys are starting to go to sport bikes. They love the stupid speed of them and how cheap it is to go so fast. But again that also leads to deaths. I have seen one up close and personal on a sportbike.




Maybe youre just in the totally wrong business?

cars blow, pure and simple. We, as a community, are getting older, and realizing that its more important to spend money on shit that really matters. I will never make a car fast. I will, however, buy a fast car


Maybe youre just in the totally wrong business?

cars blow, pure and simple. We, as a community, are getting older, and realizing that its more important to spend money on shit that really matters. I will never make a car fast. I will, however, buy a fast car


Around here, probably, I should open a bar/liquor store/porn shop/all night restaurant in the same plaza.

Thats what I am talking about. That is what I have observed.

Pauly, not whining, just posting my observations, although thanks for the kind words.:smash2:


It is a current trend that I am noticing in the WNY area. Cars are no longer an interest or priority to most. I notice it as a slow down in business and the amount of people in general who come in talking about projects and what they want to do.

It appears to me that people are losing interest in their cars the only reasons I can see are the following.

  1. Can’t afford it
  2. Can’t justify it
  3. Getting older and thus moving on in life (house, family, Kids) which take up available spending cash
  4. Not interested in general anymore in going fast but more just hanging out
  5. Too many people spend their money on Drinking, Drugs or eating out.
  6. Can’t and won’t put the effort to do the car the proper way, spend money on crap parts and methods of modding a car, that blows up and then it costs them double to do it right. People just can’t handle the stress of flushing that kind of money away and then say fuck it with their car and don’t bother fixing it.
  7. People are moving away and no new people coming in.

It’s really sad that this community is dying slowly. Some still mod their cars but alot of people just get do what most buffalo people do and get high, drunk and just waste away remembering all the “good times”.

I’m not judging this purely on the traffic I see or the major projects I talk to people about it is my take on the situation as a whole how I have observed what has been going on for the last few years and the general decline of the automotive scene. Anyone remember 2002 and 2003.

This makes me want to slit my wrists.


well for me its the money. I have a ton of projects I want to do with a couple of different cars but I just don’t have the money. for example for project cars I need a F350, taurus (any year),
and a lincoln continental.

this area is really depressing though. the race sceen here is almost dead and unless something happens to get the general public interested it will just keep fading.


Around here, probably, I should open a bar/liquor store/porn shop/all night restaurant in the same plaza.

Thats what I am talking about. That is what I have observed.

Pauly, not whining, just posting my observations, although thanks for the kind words.:smash2:


I’ve been in the auto business in WNY for 20 years. Every year its the same thing Business sucks from Dec 25 untill beginning of april/end of march when tax returns start comming in. You should know this!


Around here, probably, I should open a bar/liquor store/porn shop/all night restaurant in the same plaza.


Don you are thinking on totally the wrong scale.

Think strip club + performance parts.

Would appeal to desperate men everywhere. As well as provide a useful source of late-night parts.

hahahahahaha lol. Fuzzy wanna go into business.

Haha, now that would be an interesting career path.

I’m going to open a liquor store. Jam will keep me in business.

Liquor store, strip club, and auto parts? Man, where do I sign up? :wink:

now if you sold ilegal firearms in the backroom you would have th business of a lifetime.

crunk and gin store FTW.

and the zombie thread was a legitimate question for someone bored at work. :tup:

lol, wasn’t meant for this to be that serious of a thread really, was just funny :stuck_out_tongue:

it is true though, the community is waaay different than it was 3 or 4 years ago

it was actually much more entertaining back then and interesting to read. rather unfortunate really.