
well kudos to you, I retract my statements.

and mom and dad? hmm im an adult, i dont think they have much say so on what i do, hell i dont even live near them.

as far as work goes? and telling 18 year olds? who? what?

I’m around

this one needs to get archived, not deleted. :smiley:

leaving in 20 min starboy? gotta get dad’s car home?

no the cars in the garage, I ran a 10.90 at prp the other night so I see no use for it to come out anymore.

cool, didnt realize prp did 1/8mi only runs

Wow how ominus. I think PS should be careful, he sounds like a credible source to reckon with.

Victor, watch out he saw you and you didn’t even know it. Sounds like a fucking pedifile or stalker to me.


stalker? by stalker you mean someone who goes to car events or shows?

and see people but doesn;t let them know of his presence.

Why don’t you stop being a fucking pussy and quit hiding behind your keyboard.

I like to think of myself as “The ultimate driving Machine” since you retired blue.

??? huh

fixed and I don’t think you want to be that.

hiding behind my keyboard? plenty of pittspeeders have ran into me over the past year.

whats funnier is, all have been pretty cordial

you guys are great people…oops was lying again, damn me

wasn’t that Quik?

because you had a pittspeed lapse for the past half a year and all the no0bs do not know about your lying ass yet.

you know I do get mixed up sometimes. Blue = Quik, Quik = Blue

actually most of them just hate me without knowing me, its better that way, the legacy lives on.

im waiting for you to prove me wrong :smiley:

let me find the thread.

times up, just admit youre a douche