this was a big hit on aim, so i thought i might as well post here

read the comments…





whats wrong with wearing shirts with wolves on them

Hahaha, so tacky. :slight_smile:

" Im a Cage Fighter and my record before this shirt was 0-9 but now that i bought this bad ass of a shirt it is 32-9 lets just say no one wants a round house kick to the face when your wearing a wolf shirt. "

George W. Bush says…
I wouldn’t be such a shitty president if I had some damn wolf shirts.

i was lolling at this last night.

we should all buy them. they could be our “team” shirts.

Oswald thought he was the best with his horse shirt. I threw on the wolf shirt and ruined his shit hardcore.

Michael J. Fox says…
It cured my shakes!

hahahaha good post


i like these idiots that stretch the webpage out horizontally



lawl whats with all these old ass bumps lately

had to be done

real heads know the deal

^ word straight up


" Im a Cage Fighter and my record before this shirt was 0-9 but now that i bought this bad ass of a shirt it is 32-9 lets just say no one wants a round house kick to the face when your wearing a wolf shirt. "


i lol’d at this. and i said it originally.

This made my morning.

<–Team Wolf cagefighting: member #2.


This shirt is excellent for pulling in husky Native American bitches with diabetes