Borrowing sr valve cover,

I want to powerCoat my Valve cover to give it that fresh new look but
I want to try to find another one to borrow to put over time of mine,

I just to not want anything exposed for a month or anything.

let me know,

Thanks guys

Y not big plastic bag?

cause hes definately obviously gonna run it hehehehe

thats what I said… “and was the exact same thing I did”

but I was also a little sketchy “like benson” with having the Valve Cover off for a period of time and just having a bag or something over top.

The price of having your valve cover p/coated is not being able to run your car.

I don’t think it’ll help but I have 3 SR20 valve covers 2 sand blasted, 1 coated already that you can borrow, but they are all off of FWD SR’s, I mean I don’t think they fit but if you think they do you are more than welcome to come to my shop and grab one…

The price of having your valve cover p/coated is not being able to run your car.

I don’t think it’ll help but I have 3 SR20 valve covers 2 sand blasted, 1 coated already that you can borrow, but they are all off of FWD SR’s, I mean I don’t think they fit but if you think they do you are more than welcome to come to my shop and grab one…[/quote]

FWD and RWD Covers are different…

Haha ya well if I am going to actually power coat it, I would be doing it well the car is not moving,

so ya, heheyhe not driving it at all.


lol… wow… if your ‘borrowing’ a valve cover mite as well drive it ? unless you dont like to drive your car… ok wahatever lol :hay: bye byeee

Actually my car is not being driving becasue I am working on it and replacing a bunch of parts, but thanks for being a tard and jumping to conclusions. Can someone please delete that post?


Just bag it Benson…

Garbage bag over the top and wrap it with some tape nice and tight and it will be fine…


OK are there no MODS on hand to DELETE these assholes ?? they are putting this shit on every post… do somthing already

im on it

this is a really inefficient way of dealing with the problem tho