boss was gettin on me bout building a storage server

so i purchased some computer stuff today

Gigabyte GA-K8NSC-939 Socket 939 DDR MB With Athlon64 3200+ CPU & Fan
512m ddr pc3200 memory
80gig serial ata HD
a geforce4 FX5200 video card

should play total innihilation pretty good

nothin wrong with overkill…buwwhahahaa!

NICE! That’ll work.

shit, people still play total annihilation?

not a bad deal really i thought i got everything for 500 even shipped…and once u go serial ata u never go back

yeah that game is teh hottness

a storage server is a Single 80gb SATA Drive?

it looks like you built a desktop PC…

no, but i’m not building it for storage i’m building it as a test server with vmware so that when upgrades or patches come out to our PACS systems i can test them on it instead of in a production environment where if something goes wrong i lose my job. i’m not actually storing anything over a handful of CT/MRI images (talking a couple meg at most) if i was ACTUALLY using it for storage it wouldnt be a single 80gig drive…shit that’d last a couple hours in a production environment

cuz that’s what i did i cna’t run vmware on my notebook - fuji isn’ paying for this so the hell if i’d build an actual storage server on my budget

so title states you are building a storage server, now you are building a test box… errr ok

your company doesn’t have test boxes around that you can use? i dunno this thread is not making any sense to me

boss was gettin on me bout building a storage server

now where would i get the idea that you were trying to build a storage server?

i am building a storage server by the definition of what i do, it is a desktop because that’s all i need it for, the company doen’st have test stuff for me to use this is so i keep my ass from getting in trouble. if you worked for them you’d understand i’m not gonna explain it…and my title still holds

maybe i should have just said “image archiving system by way of oracle database” instead of “storage server” since apparently it’s got me into a symantic argument with an IT guy

you are the one getting all in a fuss because you built a desktop machine when you titled it a storage server…

reading comprehension owns j00, i could care less what you are doing I just stated the obvious

no fuss but it is what i stated it to be as that’s what it’s doing by definition - oh well

ok from reading you original title i was expecting something really cool, cause if my boss was like hey build a storage server. I would say ok and I would buy a few terabyte SAN. but that was not the case at all, and i just stated the obvious

i dont know shit about computers and i was like “wtf?”

i should have been more specific…but that is what i’ll be using it for but as a test setup for in the field…but it was an excuse to get a decent pc

whitey>* about computers :ugh: :eek4dance

couldnt have said it better!!!