Bought a Fit today.


i can promise you that i never will.

same here, i dont want some shitty ass quality car which needs government kickbacks/tax breaks/bailout to stay in business.

Theres always Fords. No bailouts and theyre actually selling cars.

Didnt realize Ford got a bailout…:ponder orr that they are bad quality, seeing how many of their cars were ranked higher in quality than toyota, but it still must be junk…

Nice buy. Way better then those whack ass smart cars

Smart cars seem like they would be fun to tool around in for a few hours, kinda like a go kart lol. Ive wanted to do a busa swap in one!!

Contine to eat twinkies so I can pay for your healthcare someday , and American Car bailouts.

And to think, quote Thomas Jefferson in your Sig.

Enough jumpin is this mans thread tho. I think a fit with a pair of Busa motors would be sick if were sticking to imported stuff .

We can’t have the freedom to choose what cars we want?

Yup, potentially at the expense of that exact freedom someday. Economics my friend. What the hell am I saying, I race an import.


devils advocate… why is it a (not so) smart car.

the smart car (smartfor2) is a great car howver it would just be way to small. you have made a great choice with the Fit!

3 lugnuts holding the wheel always bothered me…

you could fit 1 suitcase in the back. or like 3 grocery bags. It didn’t have a radio (because it was the base model). The automated manual transmission is quite possibly the biggest pain in the ass on the entire car. It was slow as fuck. And it was a free $10,000 toward the Fit!

im not sure what you mean by this.

because a smart car is a rather expensive car to only get 30 mpg. They are worthless, you might as well get a 4 door economy car.

??? i dont believe i get this one? Im probably about your size now, ive lost 80 lbs, and my family has had benefits, since we have been a family. Try again.

death trap. When a Honda Civic looks the size of a tractor trailer next to me Id be very scared to be in something like that.

Fucking thing isnt much bigger than my atv.

Hilarious… everyone else’s answer was valid except yours. Precisely why I asked the question.