Bowling Meet 2/9

I wouldn’t mind a little bowling. I haven’t been in awhile. I would have joined the other day but I was in Chicago for the autoshow.

Sewickley vs ALL ???

who is all on the Sewickly team??

you and jesse

you mean: you, ray, ryan jessey, and me?

ok not you, you have to pay us to be friends.

pay you for what? i will get you a beer or two and thats it

So many jokes, So little time.

Friday night, I think we are hitting up the same alley

me and ryan hit up paradise island bowl tonight…they have sick couches. we were thinking doing something sunday night. they have some all night bowling thing…anyone intersted??

I’m not sure where thats at but I might be able to come if you dont mind the fact that i’m not a very good bowler.

Its on neville Island.

Dude, none of us are any good.

'cept those swickey kids. Their bowling style is cooler than mine.

What time on Friday? I want to head downtown for some action too.

how about like 9 to 12 maybe?

I could do 9-12.

12-3 is more likely for me.