Box to ship exhaust in

I need a box big enough to fit my catback and h pipe in to ship them together.

Around 54"x26"x14"

your best bet is ups store , they will even package it up for you…

ill see if we have any boxes that size at work tonight and post up sometime before 9.

That’s my back up plan, they are expensive though.

Cool, if you want to give it a quick measure I’ll let you know if it will work, thanks.

Too bad you didn’t post this yesterday. I just put the boxes for two bookshelves at the curb last night that would have been perfect for this. Garbage would have picked them up around noon today though.

just ‘wrap’ it with cardboard, tape the shit out of it, wrap it with saran wrap, then tape some more.

I’ve been meaning to throw this up, but didn’t get around to it till I got a serious buyer.

That’s pretty much how my newest exhaust came.

just checked the back room and we’ve got a shit load of boxes. any rough ideas on the size of the box you would need?

around 54"x14"x26" I’m putting all this in it.

normally we have boxes that size but surprisingly right now we dont. sorry.

Where are you located?

It’s all right. Thanks for trying.

North Buffalo

I have better measurements now too.


I have got a bunch of HEAVY duty cardboard boxes that are up to 12’ long that can be cut down. They are not corregated, they are solid cardboard about 1/4" to 3/8" thick. They typically are capped with wood. A 54" section would be around fifteen lbs. Pretty much bullet proof. Let me know what you think.

UPS store is a ripoff. I had to ship a radiator shroud and i didnt have a box big enough for it to fit, they charged me like $8 for a cardboard box.

$8? lol, cmon. thats not bad.

for a box? Guess i am just used to using free boxes lol

Sounds solid, I’m gunna see if I can find something a little closer first though, won’t be shipping this until next week.