(Free) Cardboard box for shipping an exhaust

Needs to be like 60"x12"X12" or comparable. Looking at shipping this thing out tomorrow night.

Anybody have any large cardboard boxes lying around that they don’t want? Hook a brother upppp.

I might be able to get something like that at work tonight, I’ll look.

I have a big box that came in last week, but I am not sure if it is THAT big. Will post back here…

I have a big box that my header came in. If you want to come to hamburg it’s yours

I have a box that size at work… I am not at work today though.

Any luck, Chris?

Bigwoode/Mike - Where are you guys located?

I am in Cheektowaga where DHL used to be. Across from the Galleria mall.

Okay this thing is going out tonight, who’s got what?

I can come snag it post-5pm

I asked my guys to check for me. I will let you know.

I have the box from my treadmill if that will help. You’d probably have to cut it down a bit.

PM’d ^^

Thanks anyway, Butch!

Chris, Mike… anything???