boxers or briefs

So Steve (ninety1two40) came over yesterday and asked if I would take a few glamour shots for his portfolio. Being the good friend I am and amateur photojournalist I greatly obliged. I really think we got some winner’s here…I’ll show you the 2 nicest…

so all-in-all I feel that he is almost ready for America’s Next Top Model, but his abs need a little more work

paging pjb

pjb where ya at

Dude wtf

Sam you sick bastard!

hey at least you got my better side :lol Chicks dig ma abz son, dont be a haterz!

PJB will be here in no time

Sorry to disappoint some of you cocklovers but I dont like men.

redheads ftw :number1


I don’t like redheads, please post a better pic pjb, Kthxbye

Well I dont like asians and yet I have to see one every time you post

Haha so you saying you won’t have sex with a hot Asian girl if given the opportunity? :Idiots

I wouldnt. I dont find asians attractive at all.

Wow man, I don’t know what to say… pussy is pussy man, they really aren’t sideways don’t be scared! :lol

Ive just got some standards or whatever you call it.

would never fuck a red head, same shit…would fuck a asian though :number1 :excited

dude i love redheads i had one a while ago man i miss her

I saw a nice looking redhead flash her boobies a few times last night.

they are like aliens

thats how I see asians