boxers or briefs

Oh Hai!

forty fourty

fuck :lol

haha wow man never realized that or realised that

Love it. +rep

Now can someone explain the “Joe Jiggs” thing? Yes, I am old and not in the “know.” Thanks

Well since you brought up a 6 month old thread… I can tell you Joe Jiggs is a local legend… and actually a very talented mechanic, but his ADD keeps him from doing a lot of successful things.

To be honest… you have to meet him to understand him. Hanging out with him is kinda like handling a teenager. We brought him up to lake george and he was just full of outrageous quotes like, “Do you know how much this pillows cost” and “Ill bring the jerk off cutters” He doesn’t work or go to school so he just sits home and spends his time hoping someone will call him. Joey, Kramer, and I brought him to a party in albany and he ended up having a melt down because he had to be home and we didnt feel like leaving yet. He ended up breaking a small tree on the streets of Albany. Our friend Dippin Dennis then came outside and said “WHOS THE FUCKIN LUMBERJACK.” Joe jiggs later explained that his dad loves him so much and thats why he had to be home. Overall, the kid is a little crazy, pretty good with cars… except for his organizational skills, and does ridiculous things.

i go bare ass and frap into my jeans.

Haha, didnt even notice how old it was… clicked the link from Kdubs thread. But :lol at the whole thing.

i prefer briefs…

no one gives a RATS ASSSS about what you prefer

btw… I do too

I knew this would get bumped again. :lol

:rofl I dated a red head after this for like 3 months!!