BP's oil spill in pictures.

I’m heading to Atlanta at the end of the month and was supposed to hit up the gulf for a day in the Apalachicola area…buuut not taking any chances and going to Savanah instead.

Being in physical risk management for a living, this is so frustrating to see… My job was to solely focus on what “could” happen and try to prevent it… And if I couldn’t, have a solution for when it did happen… I just don’t get how they’re so ill prepared, and are only now preparing a solution… Sad situation all around…

Very sad situation down there.

I looked into moving some oil cleanup equipment down there a couple times . We have a crew that trains year round for water/oil spill clean up disasters and have been proved to clean up 100K+ gallons per day. Instead of sending trained crews and equipment there that actually know what they are doing, the people in charge are taking untrained volunteer tree huggers that dont know wtf they are doing.

I know alot of people in other bigger environmental companys that have been sent down to the area and have been sent back because of the overabundance of volunteers. The politics involved with every thing is out of control. My buddy who did actually go down to do clean up that works with another company isnt allowed on some of the clean up boats because the converted shrimp boat people wont allow clean up crews with them. He is delivering water and food instead to untrained volunteers doing things uncorrectly.

I do not care.

What blows my mind too is the lack of people stepping up to donate or put on benefits to aid in this horrible disaster. Media blasted our televisions and radio’s with advertising to help Haiti during their disaster and now we are suffering with one. What happened to all those people that contributed to Haiti?

oh what the fuck. EPIC FACEPALM :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm


i knew there had to be soemthig like this goign on!! What the hell is wrong with these people?? the Govt should pay whatever it costs even if its billions and then make BP pay for it all…

Related article about safety on the rig.


Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t the rig used as a research/testing rig?


haha thats fucked up

I couldn’t even look at those pictures. It still boggles the mind how we can let this happen. More importantly, how we can’t fix it.

Yep, it’s just going to get to the point of no longer being in the media’s light but it will still be a very big issue to the people affected and living in that area for years to come, as everyone around the world will forget about the issue.

Such as Katrina.

Everyone will know the name but not realize the full scale of the disaster and how prolonged the effects are.