Brake booster sizes


What size is your brake booster?

Post up some measurements and the model / year of your car.


Non abs manual transmission booster is the smallest I believe, if you need more turbo clearance :D.

the JDM boosters are usually thinner, if that’s what you’re after.

I think i have one of pretty much every booster at the shop, I’ll try to remember to take a couple measurements of them if I can find them.

I just have the normal thin/non abs S13 piece but I use a Z32 MC with S/S Lines and the pedal feel is just incredible so I could only imagine how it would improve with a better booster.

The current and OE booster in the car is a

1993 SE NO ABS w/5SPD = ~9 1/2"

I’m SURE there is a smaller one available… the depth is fine but its the diameter that is giving me some issues. I mean… it clears but BARELY.

Stupid ballin’ huge ass waste gate… :slight_smile:

Brendan if you have a smaller one in good shape hook me up!

Thanks Guys

I have spare one if you are still interested,
it’s ~ 8 1/2" from '95 ABS/Automatic s14 if i remember correctly