like the title says…i have a black version of the taylormade tourino golf bag. everything that comes with the bag from the store is included (strap/stand/ect). retails for 100-110 depending on the store, asking 75 picked up. will ship for 15 more.
noone golfs? or knows anyone that golfs? great xmas present for dad!
I golf, so I’ll bump this for you. I’m all set with my Ogio bag, it’s a bit smaller than that and lighter, more my style because I walk 99% of the time.
hHAA i would love to see my dad golf ahaha prolly end up braking the golf club
my father would be all over this.
ill ask him :lol
golf clubs are fun for breaking windshields. Too bad theres no clubs in the bag.
Seals dont like clubs. Wanna go clubbing?
its still here!!!
and its still taylored !
you couldnt be anymore correct
yehaw!!! its the best weather for golfing!
keep the bag and buy my 3 wood
i dont carry a 3 wood. my cobra 3i baffler does the trick just fine!
well you’re looking at a difference of 8* i was never a fan of hybrids, but i won’t press haha good luck with the sale, awesome bag, if you’re a serious golfer get in touch with me come spring time, i’m going for my pga certification and need to play as much as possible and always looking for different people to golf with
sounds good. im usually out every weekend as long as the weather is decent and work doesnt screw me…definitely not pga card worthy though! lol
me and justin played quite a lot last summer over in guilderland… everytime we called you either you didn’t pick up the phone or said you were “busy”… come out and play this year nukka
Me or Kicklow? I was out 3 times a week atleast this past season, brew buy my 3 wood and his bag, you’d be a golf baller
what 3 wood… my tri-metal is starting to show it’s age (5 seasons). great club to get out of 3rd cut roughs and still get a nice 200 yard knock but when it comes to fairway hits if your not on the money your screwed… the face is only an inch tall and very easy to get under the all
either way i think i’m gunna hit some hybrids first before i buy new fairway woods
buy my bag and ill let u test out my 3i hybrid!
i got my olde kinderhook bag mang… the name alone is baller