Brandon from Mt.Pleasant

hey, what’s up all you pittspeed members. just trying to get my 5 posts. 87 buick turbo-t

Welcome to Pittspeed

What color T?


cool any pics?>



post up some pics

Welcome. pics??



Black 87 Turbo-t I will have to get some pics. together or you might see it in person as I’m the one who is renting prp wed. aug. 29,2007 noon to 4 pm anyone interested please let me know. Thanks



Brandon its been a long time, i am going to your track rental may have a few guys ? i will be in touch . Shawn

welcome and let me know about your track rental. i wanna go.

i remember racing you about 5-6 years ago
i was running my el camino then.

i’m looking for a total of 40 cars and looks like 10 spots are already taken. if you are interested in going, I need your $50.00 before the rental date aug.29,2007 and rain out date sept. 5,2007. payment has to be made to me before rental date. sorry, but you can’t just show up at the track. i’m taking names, phone number and payment in advance. thanks, brandon. any questions email at or give me a call at 724-547-3393 or my cell 724-396-5093

thanks brandon money will be sent tonite.

bal bal bal get 5 post so i can :lockd: this turd thread!