break in caught on nanny cam..

Nanny cams, clearly. Nanny state!

It is really a shame the video is such horrible quality. I think it would be extremely difficult to get a ID from this other than a large black man.

I need to stop watching this because I simply lose more and more of what little patience I have for this type of criminal. As a suggested punishment, I feel he should be a practice dummy for an MMA fighter and beaten slowly, yet repeatedly, until his eventual and deserved death. Not right away mind you, but over the course of many beatings, interrupted by periods of recovery in a hospital (which I’m sure many would donate their own cash to this type of fund), over the course of say 6-10 months.[/QUOTE]

This. Also, the poor kid should be there to witness these beatings.


Looks like they’ve got a suspect in custody, and not surprisingly he’s been in and out of jail most of his life and has committed a very similar crime in the past.

They need to make prisons the worst place to go. Places where you’re given just enough to keep you alive. Death Penalties need to be nation wide.

Agreed, hate to say its not right to treat them that way… but when you look at why they are in there, well they didn’t care to think about the situations that put them there in the first place.

For a lot of them, it’s an upgrade. Cable TV, 3-4 meals a day, exercise, schooling.

He should be dragged behind a truck like the good old days

Oh my god. Thats brutal. Hope he felt tough.

Since the government won’t do anything about it, I can only hope that karma will strike this mother fucker soon and hard.

thanks obama