break in caught on nanny cam..

The most fucked up thing i have seen in awhile…


guy breaks into house and beats mother…all caught on tape…

This was tough to watch. What a piece of shit.

Saw this yesterday and had to turn it off. That guy deserves to be shot. What a scumbag

He’d be getting a mouth full of lead from me.


dude you should eat more fruit and veggies then if the lead content of your semen is so high.

I hate you for titling this ‘Brake.’

Two things I don’t like in one video, what a coward.

well violence certainly isn’t something you hate…so you hate old people and ******s? lol.

Pathetic scrub, should be hung on national tv

I’d hope who ever can help her, would donate the reward to her just because. It bugs me that its almost like bribing people to tell you information.

I don’t believe lets all raise money for this poor woman is the case, but if $5k is offered, might as well give it to the poor woman.

I hope this guy gets butt f*cked in jail hard.

Did he even take anything?

This is why all violent and sexual offenders should be raped by a horse upon entering jail…think how many less people would want to go to jail. Fuck this piece of shit, hope he gets an inoperable tumor at the base of his spine and gets brutally beaten to the point of near death in jail.

Honorary grammar Nazi pin in the mail.

---------- Post added at 05:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:13 PM ----------

Surprised that fucking piece of shit didn’t kill her. I can’t even begin to list what I’d do to him.

I saw this vid on Facebook yesterday, he stole jewelry, including her wedding ring

Oh, and just a side note to the report from the linked news article regarding the “door” she was shoved through at the end of the video, it was the fucking basement door. SO as a parting gift for her unsolicited beating, she gets to ride down a flight of stairs as a cherry on top.

I need to stop watching this because I simply lose more and more of what little patience I have for this type of criminal. As a suggested punishment, I feel he should be a practice dummy for an MMA fighter and beaten slowly, yet repeatedly, until his eventual and deserved death. Not right away mind you, but over the course of many beatings, interrupted by periods of recovery in a hospital (which I’m sure many would donate their own cash to this type of fund), over the course of say 6-10 months.

This is sickening.

Gotta put rabid animals down! There is no place for even 1 of those hits in civilization.

the beating, yeah, but what’s the other?

I hope they catch this guy and the justice is harsh