Hot Cobra for sale....13 year old girl not included..

Man, talk about owned.


lol… eh… :barf:

Ok what am I missing?

follow the link to corral, read the first post, and 2nd response.

Yeah I saw that. Why did they jump on this guy right away? I assume he had pics posted before.

the guy trying to sell the car is the same guy that got busted on “to catch a predator”

that is soo fuckin funny

Ahhh what a dirtbag, I hope he goes to jail for a long time. I watched alot of those datelines and the guys arrested deserve to go to jail for a long ass time.

I love when the host is like " What exactly are you doing here haha "

Saw the episode

wasnt his screen name like 95hotcobraguy

ah i love to catch a predator, they should really do it in buffalo

for the lazy people, this is great haha

Part 1

Part 2

Hahahaha! Get this guy a new screen name, Pedofilestang!


do those people go to jail? or just humiliated?

I think they avoid jail by agreeing to broadcast them on national television, but who knows. One guy already got caught by the show twice.

yes they go to jail, the length of time depends on how they get convicted…i wanna say up to 20 yrs?

edit my bad

" has since pleaded no contest to charges of an attempted lewd act on a child. He received credit for 120 days time served in jail, has to take sex offender classes and has to register as a lifetime sex offender. Any violation and he could face four years in prison"

thats crazy son

crazy. only has to say, online, that he wants to meet up with the girl? Do they actually have to go to the arranged meeting spot? Then, that’s probable cause, but i mean… doesn’t seem like enough to go on…


WTF r u serious what an idiot

yea i think it has alot to do with what they bring iwth them too…i remember on a bunch of these shows they talk about bringing condoms and alchohol and then when they arrive, the girl asks if they brought them and they say yea, and they get busted on that too. i just love the looks on these guys faces when they realise they are caught haha

man i have to start watching this show when is it on?

Thats crazy stupid!