did anyone listen to shred and regan tonight?

i was listening for a little while but they were goin around knocking on sex offenders doors saying trick or treat to see if anyone of them were givin out candy lol. i only heard the first 3 houses they went 2 and nothin happened at them did anyone listen past that? i want to know if any of them gave out candy

None of them answered the door…they must have been busy molesting children in the basement and didnt hear the doorbell :stuck_out_tongue:

ahahahaha thats awsome!

I guess one guy ran to the door, yelled “NO CANDY” and ran away lol.

ya i heard that and that was halarious

That’s because they have guidelines which state that they can’t, and law enforcement agencies were suppose to follow up on this and make sure that none of them were giving out candy. :shrug:

If the offenders had their lights off and were following the guidelines then I see no point in harassing them.



99% of them shouldn’t be alive anyways.I can see if a 16yr old had sex w/ a 15 yr old.A 40 yr old man that has sex/touching with a 10yr old shot be burned on the spot.


right on


Depending on the judge… if the judge has a 10 yr old daugter and the guy molested a 10 yr old girl…then hello chair!

I was listening to this tonight…i guess by law they cannot give out candy… as mentioned above.

I saw some show on one of the discovery channels or a similar channel about maximum security prisons, and sex offenders are in serious trouble even inside the prisons. The other inmates often beat the shit out of them or worse.

Serves them right

I agree. I thought the sex offender registry was created to allert parents so they could further protect their children. Not serve as a comical outlet for pranks.

Even criminals have rights.

after what they did to be lables a sex offender they should be harrased for being a sick fuck

There in lies the problem.

i listened it was funny

