Datelines "To Catch a Predator"

Has any one ever watched that show? They had a new one on last night. These people are pathetic. Chris Hanson is such a stud when he interviews these low lives. It was pretty funny last night. This one loser 25 year old was on and he was like “Chris I listen to you on Opie and Anthony and you are hilarious with these stories.” Then Chris was like “did you bring the condoms like you said you were going to do?” This kid said, “Yeah I brought the condoms, I am ALWAYS prepared for NOTHING. I can never get any girls.” LOLZ what a loser. Then he gave Chris a ‘pound’ as he left and then got tackled by the cops.

It is just funny the stories these guys say in order to try and get out of this situation. I mean think about it. Their life is ruined. OVER. Which brings me to my next point…

Did you hear about the family suing NBC for 100 Million dollars because one of the guys who was on the show off’d himself… His life was over anyways …

yeah, he shot himself as soon as he opened the door and the camera’s were there. He was apparently I high ranking official in the local government somewhere in texas

I liked the part last night where the middle aged pedofile said that Chris could have the pizza that he brought for the girl if Chris would let him go an not arrest him. haha

Yeah he was like “Its a pineapple pizza.”

always thought it would be amusing if someone dropped off a 12yr or something there one time.

Local kid got busted, i posted it a while back, but he wasnt on the show. They busted him the same way tho… he never met up, but they busted him for the shit he said.

Apparently my wife thinks that one of the guys last night went to college with her. She went to Juniata College near Altoona for her freshman year and when they said the guys name, she said that a guy at Juniata had that name, and then she said the guy on the show looked similar and he was the right age. Too bad we don’t have a year book or something to compare it to.

Yeah thats crazy but I wonder if they did one in Pittsburgh and you see someone on there and you are just like “I always thought they were weird but I never suspected this…”

Yes I know someone very close to me this happened to them and they are stil going to court to fight it. The “person” IM’d them ect and he never met and was arrested… PA I swear half the laws here are retarded.

They actually did one in pittsburgh, I don’t know if it was dateline but I watched on the news and a doctor was pulled out of work and arrested for it.

if you had a 12 yr old daughter you would think other wise…

fuck those pieces of shit that do this

Someone is gonna kill chris hanson inside a house

Right On Brother.

Lock 'em up for life. There is no way to rehab these mentally ill fucks.

Either lock 'em up, or just shoot 'em and put 'em out of their misery.


x3 for “just shoot’ em”

Bullet to the head = less of my tax dollars wasted on some pervert fuck.

well guyz im off to go meet a 12 year old boy with my priest. we will catch you guys later. oh yeah my screename is littlelatinlover…

don’t forget a 6 pack of mikes hard lemonade and trojans.

P.S. Make sure you show up in the AAA towtruck, much more hilarious.

while I agree that these people are on shaky ground at the least in these situations, you cannot compare a “14 year old” girl inviting some older guy over to their house for the sole purpose of fucking them to some pedo that grabs up kids from the schoolyard in his boxvan.

No matter what the current society designates as it’s norms, it’s biologically natural for a man to be attracted to a post-pubescent female.

keep in mind that 150 years ago in these United States and still to this day in many parts of the world it’s perfectly acceptable, even normal for a 14 year old girl to be married and already have kids to a man that would be deemed rape here in the USA in 2007.

not to say there isn’t something extremely distasteful for a 50 year old father of 4 to show up with a bottle of booze and a pack of rubbers expecting to get up on some underage snootch, but I also don’t believe that these people deserve to have their entire lives ruined in the way that they are in the name of ratings.

no, just shooting them is would be good.

I would have to agree that what you are saying is right. But then you take a look at most of these people and it seems like this isnt their only problem. I also agree that their entire lives should not be ruined. But I am saying it is funny to me.

Once you have kids of your own, you will change your opinion on this.

You may not think so now, but believe me, you will…

Well-put. I agree their lives shouldn’t be ruined on national TV, but a 50 year old trying to get some under 18 snatch should get jacked up pretty hard.