Maybe time for a little censorship?

I really don’t want the government telling me what we can have in movies, but this is just wrong.

However, reports are now saying Dakota’s role in the film calls for her to be – wait for it – “raped in one explicit scene and to appear naked or clad only in ‘underpants’ in several other horrifying moments.” Yeah, I’ll let you sit with that one for a second.

if you don’t like it don’t see it. Personally i think it will show how violent child rape is, and it will put some support for these molseters to never see the light of day once convicted. Its time the world takes its rose colored glasses off and sees how cruel life is, and what is needed to stop this sort of shit.

art is art

There’s no need to censor anything in art…if it’s rejected by the public it wont make profits, no profits, no producers, no producers no movie.

First step of an incompetent government is to take away guns.

The second is to censor speech.

sounds cool to me.

rape is real

maybe instead of trying to censor rape scenes in a movie they should spend more time trying to stop actual rapes.

If they made a movie about telemarketers.

well i can’t imagine.

it would just be taking it TOO far.

I dont know, im all for free speech and all i just dont think its ok to show a naked 12 year old girl in a movie. Rape, or surprise sex as i like to call it, is very real but do you think that showing this will get a point across any btter than shadows on a wall?

Hollywood is here to save the day.:roll2:

I think they just want to give child molesters entertainment.
Any time a minor is depicted in a sex act it is considered child porn, naked or not.

i love that this is outragous, yet porno with chicks eating shit and getting pissed on is A-OK with most people

Is child porn art?

If you don’t think sensorship should step in when children are involved you are one messed up person.

Consenting adults?
Do you see a difference?

holy triple post batman.

Theres no difference between a kid getting raped in a movie or someone getting murdered in the most gruesome way possible. guess which has the bigger sentence

Her parents and everyone else involved should be arrested if she does this film.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Sometimes I think this should be called

its not like theyre actually raping the kid. just like they dont actually kill someone. its just an artistic depiction.

i tried to add a comment but it didnt go through

there are many movies that hard to watch, like the scene in crash with the cops…

pushing boundries sells. its a movie, its not real, so dont go see it if u think its wrong.

sweet my comment went through

There is NO need to show a little girl nude to get the point across!!!

So don’t go see it.

Why are you so against it? Do you think it’s going to inspire normal people to say “oh, that looks hot. I think i’m gonna start raping kids?” No. It’s not. The same way that seeing someone get killed in a movie doesn’t inspire a normal person to go out and kill people. Hence my comparison.

Congrats, that line is now part of my sig. That was the funniest thing I’ve read in a long time.