Maybe time for a little censorship?

But its also not gonna make everyday joe’s, (lol your name is joe!!) want to see the movie anymore than they would if there was no brutally raped 12 year old. At least i hope not.

This is a good thing. Ideally the movie would be judged solely on its artistic merit, and not shock value for putting this one scene in. However, with rush limbaugh and bill o’reilly around, and the rest of those conservative assholes in the media (Sean hannity excluded, hes actually always been a really strong supporter of free speech, he fought for opie and anthony), it would become a political issue instead of a movie

buy 2 large popcorns, get a free 12y/o girl to rape during the movie. If you can wait long enough, i recommend waiting until the actual rape scene. It’s like you’re really there!

thats fucked up :tdown:

actually… so are alot of people posting in this thread

its a movie fucktard, no one is raping dakota fanning

thats a lil caarazyy

I didn’t say she was actually getting raped.
I am saying children don’t get to decide if they want to be filmed naked!!!
Your name calling > your intelligence.

will there be bush? that’s all i care about.


getting raped?

or there


first off I highly doubt she will actually be fully nude, you might see her ass or something along those lines. This shit happens in real life, sure it maybe be “on the edge” but maybe it will make people realize to stop being so fucking naieve as to where they trust there children to go.

Rape is real/12 year olds/40 year olds…either or, it’s just as fucked only this time they are going out on a limb to express how horrifying it really can be.

Don’t like it don’t see it

i’ll post screen caps once it’s leaked

Reader Comments…

I hope this doesn’t mean we’ll be seeing some of South Dakota.

Censorship is complete bullshit whenever or wherever it occurs.

The thing is, it’s not me I am worried about.
Would you say the same thing about child porn?



Here comes another triple post…

Do any of you have a daughter?

lets say she was wearing boobie tassles… then where do we stand?

No, we understand what you’re saying. we just think you’re wrong.

Pasties change everything. J/K

or atleast remove her from that enviroment (aka take her away from her parents)
