Maybe time for a little censorship?

a depiction of rape is just that…

Involving anyone under 16/17? :tdwn:

Is it art? Yep.
Will it sell? Yep.
Will President Bush step in save the day for all those that fear the grossly influential people of Hollywood, so that He & His party can make nice and sell votes? 60%/40% For.

This IS NOT child porn it is depicting an actual gruesome act that is 100% real and does happen. I am sure they aren’t going to be showing dakota bent over fucked by some 40 yr old.

jesus christ, awd’s changing the world over there from his damn keyboard

holy crap dude BREATHE

You need to add that to your summary of political threads. AWDrifter triple posts for the wrong side.

now with POLL!

she is an actor, she choses to do the scene, her parents aprove, she is not being raped, it’s acting, it’s art depicting an event that likely happens often and is most likely carried out by bush loving redneck fucks

doubt it

She’s to young

I bet the actor opposite her gets an erection!

Yeah im going to hell.

Another intelligent post from the left.
I am actually glad you guys post this stuff, it helps other people make decisions.

I am clearly a Bush loving redneck.:roll2:

I will continue to post intelligently while you keep up the name calling.
Like I said, I am glad you people are exposing yourselves it makes me look even better.:wink:

No, I post from the RIGHT side.:stuck_out_tongue:

No, that will be in part II.

who said i’m a lefty?

i’m a fiscal conservative who is liberal on social issues…

bush sucks at both

and rednecks generally vote republican

Define redneck for me.
Are those guns in your sig?

“boondock” saints

yup, def a hick movie. what’s in a title?

It will be what the audience interperets it as. To most of us it won’t be child porn but I’d be willing to bet that there will be sexual freeks getting off from this.

I don’t know what to make of this shit politically. It’s wrong and I won’t be watching it for the same reasons that I stopped watching Monster after the dude raped the hooker with an iron pipe: It’s fucking wrong and turns my stomach and I have better things to do than voluntarily subject myself to viewing horrors like that. So whatever, I’ll police myself and let the rest of you deal with the politics.

Honestly… I agree… but…

However, reports are now saying Dakota’s role in the film calls for her to be – wait for it – “raped in one explicit scene and to appear naked or clad only in ‘underpants’ in several other horrifying moments.” Yeah, I’ll let you sit with that one for a second.

exposing a 12 little kid to that ish is wrong IMO… sure, if it was part of the plot (aka not actually showing her naked/getting raped), yeah… whatever… but the above quote is fucked up and if the parents willingly expose their child to that, they really shouldnt be parents (their probably running low on cash they took from their daughters previous films)

I’d probably pop the fucker in the jaw that ever proposed anything like that to a child of mine…

no wait… I’m the fucked up one :roll:

Watch she’s probably just in some torn PJs, and everyone in this thread will be owned by an article designed to generate word-of-mouth towards it.

Speaking of child porn. I’m going to sue pampers, huggies, and any other diaper manufacturer. :tup:

is this child porn? no, it’s art. You’ve seen movies with sex scenes…I can assure you this will not be like any of those. Just because it’s a graphic depiction of rape doesn’t make it child porn.

The same reason a minor can goto an art exibit and see nake women, but not a drug store to buy a hustler mag. 1 is art 1 is there just for sexual enjoyment.

PS - illegal immigrants contribute billions every year into SS that they will never draw from…So you’re bumper sticker sig is 100% wrong.

look at all these people who agree with you

lopsided pole