religous freaks

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. – A mother is behind bars after St. Petersburg police say she and her five children were seen on the street naked and carrying Bibles.

Police have arrested the woman and charged her with child abuse and exposure of sexual organs.

The children range in age from 5 to 15 years old. Police say they will be turned over to relatives.

The woman says that God told her that she and her children should walk down the street naked.

Police haven’t released her identity.

and i’m a bastard because i’m not religious…

there are so many fuck ups in the world… :wtf:

welcome back sonny!

you’ve been too tame lately


religion is retarded…its for the weak-minded


at least they weren’t strapped with dynamite and running towards a bus :dunno:

religion is not for the weakminded…djing techno at age 30 is weak :kekegay:

yes it is…& if your refering to me…i haven’t touched my tables in about 6mth-yr…hiphop & oldschool house & R&B > Techno

bible is a learning tool, not “non fiction”
& people need to learn to think on ther own


don’t turn this into a debate about religion!!!

So what does everyone here believe. We had to come from somewhere, this isn’t opinion we are talking about here.

There is a truth to all this and contrary to popular belief science still has no clue where the universe came from.

I suppose this is off-topic…

Despite my personal beliefs about God and religion that are particularly none of anyone’s business, I certainly do not believe that a higher being such as God would tell a mother and 5 children to walk the streets naked! That’s just silly.

I believe that that woman that was arrested in the above story was a sick fuck and needs to be murdered Jeffrey Dahmer style while in jail.

I believe in the lack of needing to know.

Whether there’s a divine creation, or a random chemical reacton, just do what you can to be a decent person. There are rules that transcend religion (the “Golden Rule”) that are really the only guidelines that matter. Don’t kill unless you have to. Don’t rape anybody. Et cetera…

I can’t say with absolute certainty ANYTHING about the origin of existence… and I don’t believe anyone ever will. Be a good person without being a doormat. Turning the other cheek makes you an idiot. And if there is a deity, I’d imagine it would want me to spend my time appreciating all the shit I can do and not spend each Sunday praising it.

There are rules that transcend religion (the “Golden Rule”) that are really the only guidelines that matter. Don’t kill unless you have to. Don’t rape anybody. Et cetera…


“Do not steal. Do not rape. Do not kill. These are principles in which every man of every faifth can endure.”

I believe in a Jean Valjean clause…

If you’re starving, and you steal some bread, it’s excusable… but ideally, if you ever make some money, you should give that guy your business.

IB taco :blah:


you can still believe in god or a higher power & not have a religion or believe the bible as truth

The point to this thread I believe was that no matter what you believe in, or choose not to believe in,

NOTHING is going to tell you to walk your children 5-15 years old down a streeter with you naked.

religion might…god would not.

religion has told people to molest children, marter ones self and bomb abortion clincs… etc…, so walking naked children down a street doesn’t suprise me