i think

we have a POPE now!

I think

I have to poop now



he should be hispanic, but i know they won’t do the right thing

arent they withholding his identity right now or something crazy??

yup,dam shit holding up the news!

a german…wtf

hispanics should be pissed!!

but like i said…i doubt they would ever allow a non-white pope…even though it would be the right thing to do

i bet the italians are a little pissed to…i though for sure it was gonna be an italian.

at least the dude is young and going to be around for a while :ugh:

like i said…a hispanic would have been the right thing to do…but…

he’s only 78 years old :rofl:

hahaha…the wave of the future

I think they want someone that’s not going to last forever like the last one. If they wanted to do the right thing, they’d elect someone to bring the Catholic church out of the dark ages (no birth control/condoms, no marriage for priests, no women priests, overlooking Michael Jacksons within the church.)

Looks like we’ll be having another funeral in the next couple of years.

hope they dont let this one rot in public

I dont think you’re gonna change any of that… its all a part of the traditional ways of the Catholic society. The church is very traditional, and that makes them very proud… i dont think they would ever elect someone that would change all that, nor do i think they need to.

no condoms :bigthumb:

It’s Ratzenberger from Germany http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/04/19/pope.tuesday/index.html

that’s such a bullshit thing to say.


there should be no ethnic/racial requirements for ‘popehood’, and saying the new pope “should have been a hispanic…it’s the right thing to do” is as racist as saying the pope deserves to be white.

Don’t think I can handle that TV programming again for at least 10… :squint:

all i’m saying is that the largest population of catholics are hispanic so why shouldn’t the pope be hispanic…i don’t see a problem in saying that.

shouldn’t a leader represent the majority of the population?