So you guys rememebr hearing about "The Chapel" right?

well the beast did a wrote up on it. talked with a few other guys that ahve gone there and tried it out and they all agree pretty much with what this article says.

“I doubt Noah would take a T-rex on the boat. That would be crazy!”


Yikes!! It’s scary to see this kind of place in existence, spreading all this misinformation. I guess if you believe this stuff, you should probably go back to high school or even middle school.

i was one of the concrete inspectors when that place was under construction. The floor started sinking and cracking into the “quicksand” soils in that area before it was even half done. The priests that run it drive some baller cars too, they’re definetly raking in a good paycheck.

i forgot the exact amount of money you need to pledge to become a member but it was a good % of your household income.

One of my co-workers goes there, and another doesn’t because… wait for it… it’s NOT hard core enough for him.

WTF!?!?! What does he want, ritual sacrifice or something??

It’s amazing how much money they can dump into this place and then preach the teachings of Jesus Christ who was all about helping the poor or those who could not help themselves… It’s a shame how much his word has gotten warped over the years.

They dont have preists there…they’re pastors

you dont have to pledge anything. Back when the chapel was smaller, I went there. It’s not manditory to pledge anything. They ask that you give 10% of what you make based on scripture. No I can’t point out where.

The article has some points, it also has some horrible interpretations. I stopped going to the chapel because it became too big for my liking. Its funny because the modern technology in there helps alieviate the bordom, which is a large reason why people don’t go to church. On the same point, it takes the religious feel out of the experience.

I don’t know, but I like to fuck with him now and then. I’m 100% non-religious, but I have interest in religion despite the fact that I don’t believe any of them. When the Dalai Lama came I was pretty impressed by his message.

I said to my born again co-worker, “You know, the world would be better place if all these religions would listen to the Dalai Lama’s message of tolerance”.

Yeah, I know, I shouldn’t have. Part of the reason I did it was because I felt it was true, and the other part was because it’s fun to start shit with “true believers”. So I got the speech about satan and false prophets and how there is only one god, his god.

To which I replied, “According to your book”.
Him: My book was written by god.
Me: According to your book. Isn’t that convenient.
Him: It’s god’s book.
Me: Well, 3/4ths of the people on this planet have books that say otherwise.
Him: They’re wrong.

At which point I just dropped it, because there are people you just cannot try to introduce to reason.

I wanted to clarify that part about my interest in religion despite my non-belief. I do believe that this country would be a lot better off if more people were religious. Religion is a great tool for giving children a moral compass that they might not get from home. Me, I grew up in a home completely devoid of religious belief, but I still grew up with morals. The problem is a lot of kids today are growing up without parents to teach them, and since they aren’t religious they get no moral judgement at all. So in that case even though what they’re preaching over at the Chapel might seem stupid to me, at least those kids are growing up feeling they have to answer to someone when they do something wrong. That’s a lot more than I can say for the “ghetto mentality” that is resulting in a murder a night average over on the East Side.

I honestly believe that religions that use the “mythical man watching and judging you all the time” method were simply invented as societly realized a need to control the masses and keep them from killing each other. If you get a big group of these people who all believe they are generally quite peaceful. Unfortunately part of their teachings tells them that they need to convert non-believers, and when two groups with those same teachings interact you get violence (see, Middle East).

well whatever they are they live very comfortably

Well that was a fine example of objective journalism. :bloated: I have it in my mind that the chapel has a predominantly black congregation. If this is true then even the title of the article is incredibly racist.

I consider myself a faithful Christian and believe in Jesus and his teaching, but I just have to shake my head at blind faith and people that don’t think for themselves. WTF does entropy have to do with evolution, much less prove that evolution is not possible? "The Earth is only 6000 years old, and the flood smashed the dinosaur bones down into the earth millions of years ago, and the earth stopped rotating a few billion years ago so that God’s army could win. " :bloated:

Indeed it is quite a shame in the direction a majority of places are going to. Though there are still a few churches that are big on helping others out. It’s definatly becomming quite a rarity.

:lol: great article

The most annoying feeling in the world is trying to have a logical conversation with somone incapable of basic understanding. Ive met people like that, and their stupidity is at a frightening level.

It’s been worse in the past. Think witch burnings…

JayS, I agree with pretty much everything you said.

fucking religious retards.

Indeed quite true. Religion has been used as a guise for many things it shouldn’t have been used for. Especially in the past.

Yes all religous people are retards :smash2:

I absolutely love the religion bashing bias assholes on this forum…the same people who bitch about keeping an open mind are some of the most close minded individuals.

there will always be religion bashing from anyone with some sort of education that grew up someplace that has a decent size population. Religion also teached that you are different there for you are bad and will suffer for ever. I have an open mind about religion and will not bash a person for being religious, I will tear the ever living shit out of their arguement if they try to convert me or make me beleive. Its your beleifs, its good that you beleive in something, just don’t preach to me about it. We are not closed minded, its called being educated and forming an opinion. To me religion is used as a crutch to help complete yourself and give your life meaning. To me I do not need religion to give my life meaning.

How many people here have read the bible, the koran and the torra cover to cover?? I have, and all I find is a bunch hypicritcle bullshit. But if you want to beleive in it good for you.

My biggest beef with people of religion are the ones who say everyone is WRONG who does not believe in the things their religion teaches.

Chris Rock said it best in Dogma, it’s better to have ideas than beliefs. People don’t get killed over ideas.