christians that actually know the bible get in here

is this shit true:

what’s making you think they’re false? that dude looks legit. good enough for me!

What you see in the Old Testament (Exodus and Leviticus are from the OT) is basically the old Jewish religion. The New Testament is the Christian religion which is one of the reasons why Jesus was born (to reteach and re-clarify some things. The other being to die for the sins of the world). They have many merging areas but there are differences - primarily in rituals and codes of cleanliness which are stricter in the Jewish faith. For example, the Bible says that a Christians body is their temple, and they should take care of it with utmost care. Looking like you haven’t shaved in 60 years isn’t the way that is accomplished. That picture above, is basically mosaic law (old stuff). In the Christian view, a lot of those religious codes you are seeing on that board were replaced when Jesus was born.

The only one from that list that still applies is the cursing one.

This is nothing more than just another anti-Bible/Christian trying to take a dig at it anyway he can. That’s fine. It’s his choice.

Old Testament = Mostly Moses speaking to Jews about how to do things. Pork for example, they didn’t know how to prepare correctly so people were getting sick and dying. That’s why they didn’t eat it.

New Testament = Jesus speaking to the rest of the world and laying out the guidelines.

Regardless, if you are not a Christian, you just wouldn’t get it, but being a Christian IS NOT about rules, religion, or denomination, being a Christian is about your personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and nothing else (are there crazies in the world who’ll tell you otherwise? Yes. Such as the Phelps family. I don’t agree with them). We as Christians aren’t perfect by any means, but we recognize that, and are not here to condemn someone for there beliefs (again, Phelps family) whether they believe or not, or believe in something else. Jesus tells us through out the New Testament that if we don’t believe in Him, then we condemn ourselves.

The choice is up to you and you alone to believe what you want.

Whether you believe any of this is totally up to you. I’m just answering your question.

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cults scare me… and yes Christianity is a giant cult…

i do not subscribe to a religion, I am a freemason. If you want to be one, ask one.

Good thread. Atleast someone can create a legitimate thread pertaining to religion without personal attacks.

all religions are and theyre all as crazy as the next one.

All hail FSM. He doesnt tell you what to do. He just suggests things he’d rather you not do

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I agree. None of this topic interests me in the least however his response was indeed very informative and unbiased.

i guess, the best response would of been

“yes… for the old testament”

I’m Catholic. Sometimes I lol at myself.

i lol’ed while drinking coffee. it came out my nose.


+rep to all of. this is awesome.

Too each his own…that is all I have to say! :slight_smile:

thanks for a serious response. i figured you would be the only one to answer. i only asked because i have never read a word of the bible, i’m not religious, i don’t believe there is some figure in the sky thats looking over us. i believe when we die its the end. i’m an agnostic. just wanted to know if the bible actually said this stuff cause even non-religious people do believe it is a great book to read (obv for them its a ficition novel). i’ll never tell someone to think and i try to stray away from any religious/political talk on this forum cause the vast majority of people on here are ignorant when it comes to this subject and can’t respect other peoples opinion.