WARNING:Religious bashing

I have lifted your burden,you can thank me later…

Love this man and wish he was our president.

Religion is comparable to a childhood neurosis.

wow, havent seen him yet.

:tup: I liked him. pretty funny and true.

“One guy was particularly occupied with anuses, and boners for some reason. I think he had a thing for Jesus.”

Hahaha. I love this guy.

EDIT - the last minute of the third video was very interesting. It really makes you think about how different the world would be if it were united under the same principles. ugh, I hate religions.

if you dont believe in anything, that there is a higher being, or a higher power then whats the point of life? Do just be born, live, die? Whats stopping you from being a balls against the wall, who cares what happens, I am the only person I answer to, killer, rapist, theif, liar? Is it the fear of the act, the fear of being judged by others, the fear of what society will think of you? Its almost the “in” thing to not believe in God. Its becoming, a fad like emo or goth. Other people are doing this rebelious act of thinking so its like a “I am cool because I am not a main stream believer” when realistically, its becoming mainstream to be this kind of thinker.

I look at it this way, when you are laying there, dieing either on your death bed or whatever, in your last breath, in a way of comfort you will look to a greater power, look to someone to help you from the pain or the fears you are facing. Its easy to be a hard ass now and be anti-anything you cant see, but when all the resources run out, and there is no one else or anything else to help you, you will turn to a greater power.

Right on brothers!!

I really thought i would be dogged for posting this.However to my delite i was not.

Thank you :slight_smile:

those are fucking awesome!

Oh yeah? try me…

whats to try? its a statement not a challenge.

zeitgeist the movie

Watch it. Good stuff.

Yay, religious argument.

The reason I personally have become far less religious (if at all) than the wonderful people who raised me, is partially because of my education on the matter. I don’t think it’s right to think that “God” is the god, and Allah means nothing. Are there multiple gods then? Like Ancient Greek Mythology? Religion, in a sense, is simply ancient politics. People argue it was merely used to control the population. Do you know how many people were killed unless they accepted the religion that was being forced down their throats by the people in power? Christianity was literally built on death and suffering. And I don’t mean that of Jesus. Now we have politics that don’t necessarily take religion into consideration, but greatly affect who comes into power.

Reason to live? How about to enjoy life and to be good to your brethren? I don’t need a fairy tale to tell me to be good to people, or not to steal.

When I’m on my death bed, I’m going to look around the room and see the people whose lives I’ve made better by being in their presence. Then I’m going to think to myself, “I don’t think I could have ever been happier with the way I lived my life.” and that’s it.

im not making a argument on what “God” is the real “God” just stating the point of being a “non believer” of anything is just not my thing.

I see what you mean.

Well it’s not so much the act of “non-believing”. I believe in having faith. Having faith in a higher being? No, not necessarily. I have faith in the people in my life, and people that may cross my path. I have faith in humanity. In the good people of the world. I have faith in things that I can see, hear, touch, interact with, and even affect in a positive way. That, to me, is a far better way to live life. Instead of those religious nuts that condemn people for what they believe or don’t believe in.

A big +1 on everything Paulo said,very well put.

i dont feel like arguing about religion time after time omg. ill just leave you with this.


btw for every religious nut in the world there is an atheist nut

and i do not feel like re-stating every single argument in this thread, because i know this is where it will lead.

and the fggt is reading off of a telepromtor, i dont get what this is? is it some sort of comedy thing?

Really? I personally think atheists are outnumbered.

Yes my love :slight_smile:

That is a good way to think. It is not what I personally believe in, but I am not here to change anyone. What you believe is great, and I enjoy that you are not pressing your beliefs on others. That seems like a very hard thing for some people to do.

Why not let everyone believe in what they want? So someone wants to believe in a fairy tail in your eyes. Let them. This is a free cuntry, if one chooses ignorance as bliss allow them that choice.

+1 Thank you for showing that to me. It was very entertaining.

While I don’t believe in anyone religion, I don’t not feel it is anyone’s right to provoke others into not believing, just as I feel believers should not brain wash others into their cults.

i havent seen much religious promoting on this site, people do not provide religious videos, where as people seem do always post videos on atheism?

In a christian sense that would scare the shit out of me…Knowing I’m going to die and my “creator” has the choice to accept me into the kingdom of heaven or send me to eternal torture and damnation in hell.

I was born and raised catholic, I went to a catholic school from Pre-K to 8th grade. Then I went to religious education from freshman to sophmore year. My grandparents are very active in the church and most of my family is religious.

I hate religion I affiliate myself with no superior being or religion especially the Catholics/Christians. I am probably one of the most sacrilegious people you will meet and proud of it.