The Be All-End All Religion Debate Thread! version.ON-Topic

everyone’s bitching about all the religion threads in the main forum. And it usually turns ugly after about 3 pages and gets locked. So lets keep it all in this thread and lets keep it ON-TOPIC.

There is no god, kthx bye

im not religeous

This is a very interesting topic. I would love to have a good debate on religon.

but i really do not think we can pull it off. the religious freaks will just say “The bible said so” and that’s the end of the discussion.

…were is that superb showtime quote.

i’ll chime in later

I have a response to this…i didn’t get to respond to to before it was locked

One question for the BoostedITR bashers, if he is a true believer of a religion that says God created the world —> Adam & Eve ----> Noah & floods —>Jesus etc etc. Wouldn’t the fact that his God created everything pretty much trump all other religions since his God would have come first to create everything? If anything, he is just showing he is a true believer and not just someone that jumped on the bandwagon.

you say that Wouldn’t the fact that his god created everything pretty much trump all other religions since his god would have come first to create everything?
what kinda bullshit is that…thats one of the dumbest arguments i’ve heard.
first off its not the oldest…its one of the newer religions so to go by your theory wouldn’t an older religion whos god created everything trump christianity & say its copying off of older religions??
second…how do you know that his god is different from another religions god…maybe same god just different stories.

Its funny “God” isn’t mentioned in the definition. Its clear that having a “religion” is just an interpretation of someones account of God. It doesn’t matter what his/her religion/beliefs are, its what God is to them and what they think He has done for them. In that, religion is created. Sure, some of these religions are built on false accounts, some maybe real.

I think regardless, a person is going to believe what they want by making a choice based on what that religion represents. Its sad that now-a-days, that is how things work in the spiritual relm, but I believe its all in Gods way.

I’m not some bible thumper, I just base experiences on fact and what I know is truth. People will argue, “where is the ark, where is your proof?” To some degree, you can dig up a fair amount of religious proof of a living God who walked this earth and accounts that parallel the bibles teaching, but in the end it boils down to faith. Without faith, there is pretty much nothing.

cool post

I believe a guy “Jesus” actually was around, but I think he was just another loony who was an attention whore. Somehow the dudes that lived ~2000 years ago decided to write some stories about him and through the years it has turned into what we know as the bible, and the basis for modern religon.

I do not believe in God of any form and only have faith in myself and my family.

the roots of christianity are very sketchy. Jesus of Nazareth most definately existed and he was undoubtably a great man. I do not believe that he was the result of a virgin birth, and I do not believe that he was the son of god. There is no tangible proof of his divinity besides recollections in the bible of him performing miracles, which are suspect at best.

The thing that truly bothers me with christianity are people that really believe the bible to be the word of God. God did NOT write the bible. The bible is a book of short stories written by hundreds of people over thousands of years. Not to count the hundreds if not thousands of revisions/translations its incurred over the years by people that have agendas to push.


DS, that reminds me of something…from a pure logic standpoint:

Man is flawed (as per biblical writing about the apple, the tree, Kadem, etc.)

The bible was recorded to stone/paper/whatever by the hands of man.

So, if the bible was recorded by the hands of man, and man is inherently flawed, then the bible is flawed.

Note I did not say man created the bible. I am saying that once the hand of man touches the pen to paper, the interaction of man to biblical writing imparts the defect.

The stories have been shown to change slightly (torah, king james version, scrolls themselves (supposedly) etc.), imparting further defects.

And, as Han Solo so eloquently said…
Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side

let me give you the quick christian answer on that:

Old dudes wrote the bible that were influenced by Jesus, there in, its considered the “word of God”

…you do though state a true fact, Jesus did not write the bible.

half the bible was written before Jesus was even born. And as far as the new testament, it was written by people that honestly believed that Jesus was the son of god. Its not exactly an objective report of history. Read a book on GWB written by Sean Hannity, then read one written by Al Franken. Same president, two EXTREMELY different viewpoints/accounts.

“fair and balanced media”


seriously though… if you sit 5 people in a room and institue a series of events, you are going to get 5 variations of the story.

shit i was in court all week and talked with some of the jurors (after the trial of coarse) and at least 3 of them had conflicting storys of shit that happened the day prior and that morning.

taking someone’s account of what happened is not fact… people remember things incorrectly or not at all.

remember the game we all played in Kindergarden where you sit in a circle. You tell one of the kids something, then they have to tell the next person and you see how distorted it gets by the end of the circle? It NEVER ends up being even close to what it was at the beginning. Now imagine that with thousands of people over thousands of years, each having a very defined agenda and motive to alter the story, and you wonder why people doubt the credibility and factuality of the Bible.

and thousands of translations to different languages. It’s a good fiction book, but that is all it should be.

I wouldnt go so far as to call it fiction, but you do have to see it for what it is and recognize its flaws.

I am my own religion, as long as I believe in myself, nobody else matters

it’s a story. It probably wasn’t written/recorded live like nowdays. It was probably a few days/weeks/years until someone finally wrote it down.

It may be based on events that happenend, but I think those events are greatly exaggerated.

this whole dying on a cross and waking up 3 days later was probably written by some dude chomping on mushrooms at the time. I do not believe any of it.


i dont doubt that he was crucified. that was pretty common back then. As far as him rising from the dead… yeah Im not so sure about that either.