I seriously hate people that try to make a name for themselves to by bashing religion. Big fucking deal it doesn’t take a genius to realize that every religion has about 9000 holes in it. when you have 9000 holes… you lose credibility, when you lose credibility, people look for answers. Atheism for most of you will be the answer.
Here is a quick quiz for you to think about, to see if you are truly an atheist or if you are just trying to fit into the trendy crowd.
What happens to you when you die?
How was the earth/universe created?
Answers at the end.
The point I’m really trying to get at is. Believe in what you want, don’t try to convince anyone else. So someone believes that some huge rhino with 18 dicks jizzed the universe out, let them… at least they have an answer, and can put their mind to rest and think about something else.
If you are this person that thinks there is a rhino with 18 dicks that jizzed the universe out, well don’t tell me that written on their foreskin where 57 laws that I should follow, and when I say fuck you, I’m not ramming my dick in a vice to cleanse my soul. Don’t quote to me why I should believe I’m going to be send to the Rhino’s asshole of spinning meat hooks, if i don’t obey because it was written on the 3rd dicks head of truth. I don’t believe in your Dick theories… Don’t quote to me, what I perceive as fictitious, laws or quotes.
you all are douchebags for arguing over this. Now leave each other the fuck alone.
QUIZ ANSWERS!! :There are no answers to the quiz. If you even remotely think that your body/soul is going some where… you aren’t an atheist. Your body is going to sit there and fucking rot.
If you think that someone put all this energy/mass here… then you aren’t an atheist. You are probably just as confused as I am how everything just magically appeared some 100 Billion years ago.
YAY!! MY FUCKING IDOL… I’m soo awesome I’m proud of being the most sacreligious person EVER! Faggot
But isn’t the belief in only what is in front of us more of a test then trying not to burn in hell at death. I mean if at death you have heaven to look forward to, then what is the point of our life here. Just simply a test of how devoted we are to an absentee father. I mean in all honesty if we knew about a guy that had a kid. left him at birth then came back when he became a successful adult. We would call that dad an asshole for only wanting to be involved after you became successful. No one would expect the son to thank that guy. “thank dad, I did all of this just so that one day even though you left me, I could show you how much of my life I devoted to being successful. Just so I would one day hope to see you again and thank you for giving me nothing and expecting everything.”
I am agnostic. I have not seen enough to say one way or the other. But I plan to live my life to a set guideline of fairness. I would not screw someone over for my own personal gain, just as I would expect them not to do the same. Why do I do this? not because of fear of eternal damnation. But because life on this rock is short. I want the the life I have here to be the best and most pleasant it can be. When I do die, I want to be able to look back and be glad I did the things I did so I can die peacefully. Because I know at that moment, that’s most likely the end of the line.
I like to think that if god does exist, and I lived the life I did because I wanted to be fair to others. The he would atleast cut me alittle slack that I did not do it for the fear of being procicuted. But that I did it just because it was the best way I knew to live. If he doesnt agree with that, then I wouldnt want to meet the eternal bieng anyway.
I am not going to get into a religious debate, as they are all mute and either side’s argument falls of deaf ears. I don’t understand why everyone has such a huge problem with religion. Though I did grow up in a Christian household, I have my skepticism as well about certain things, but to blatantly bash people for what they believe in is weak sauce. Let people believe what they want to. I don’t get why it is so personally offensive to so many of you.
Religious arguments are so fucking retarded. I agree that bashing religion and being an atheist has become the “in” thing these days… I have my own beliefs on the matter, and i usually just keep them to myself. I don’t try to preach my views to others, for or in most cases here, against it like many of you do. I think “religion” is a way in which you live your life. The teachings of Jesus are very important, and i do think there is a higher power out there, right, wrong, or indifferent to us. Most of what is the current established “church” is a creation of the dark ages. Any student of History, (myself being one) will agree on this.
That being said…
Tell it to the wacky ultra right wing evangelicals that there is no God. Tell the Muslims in the middle east that are willing to blow themselves up for Allah that there is no God. You are never going to change some people’s mind no matter how much you bitch.
I’m a pretty religious person, but no one would ever guess that if they knew me. If I had more trust in people, I would probably be more open about it, but I just cannot come to terms trusting word for word what a preacher is telling me. I feel that this society as a whole, the majority of us have become sheep and it is because of that we have these crazies on either side of the board. If the event occurs where you need to preach to someone, then do it, but I HATE when other Christians will go out trying to change peoples minds, it looks bad on them, Christians, and religion as a whole.
Therefore I always tell people “My relationship with God is between me, and God.”
What I dont understand is why everyone so openly bashes Christianity and not say Hinduism, budism, , muslims yada yada. There has been more death and destruction in the name of the Muslim faith than any other, yet you do not hear people talking shit about it. When was the last time you saw homeless shelters, food drives, clothing drives etc. coming from a non christian church? Even if you do not believe in God or the bible, you can at least appreciate the teachings that the bible holds. One of the biggest things it teaches is to be good to your fellow man. Not blow them up and you will be rewarded.
Im pretty sure the Quran also says to respect other religions. Its however it is interpreted, and the same can be said about the bible. Ever have someone tell you the bible preaches not to participate in christmas? Pull anything out of context and you can justify any claim you make.
So the fear of damnation is the only reason to have faith?
I have been an atheist all my life, I’m not a killer or a rapist because I know its wrong. Because I only have one life on this planet and I’m not going to fuck it up.
And no, on my death bed the only thing I want are my loved ones.
And if Atheism is a fad then its one of the oldest fads in America since Atheism has been on the rise since the 60’s.
lol @ one of the oldest fads in america.How long has america been around? Not as a country but as a place. Bootcut jeans would be about the same length as your “longest fads in america” of atheism