I've never been so scared of religion

Praise Jesus, muthafcka!!


Amen muthafcka!

“you got me now you fckingninka fckingmpoop! I don’t see any of your asses bearing no wintness!”

lol that made me laugh sadly, however lets jus tsay this guy never read the bible lol.

Blasphemous… haha… he just keeps being a broken record “I cum in da naaaym of jezzzzuz, mutha fugga”

lol i wonder if Jesus would say that :stuck_out_tongue:

“You aint down with that? You aint down with that? SHUT YO ASS, MUTHA FUGGA” LOL…

lol… is this for real!!!

Yeah, that’s how us Jesus loving people talk. Got a problem with that? :squint:

I went to catholic school :lol: never remember Jesus talking like that lol.

So what’s that off lol.

You probably read the edited version of the Bible.

Which one? I read a couple actually lol,

but no what’s that from? BET mock up of CTS lol? that was whack aside from personally finding it disrespectful to Jesus but damn…

Personally disrespectful? Are you Jesus’ homeboy or something?

Every silly religion has their own silly way of believing their ‘facts’ I’ve had some good arguments with family members over religion, and they are all very devout.

Its funny.

ROTFLMAO I don’t think that boi thinks 8) he cusses and biyatches :stuck_out_tongue:

Threats will not be allowed on son a_ahmed, just be nice and remember everything is a joke. dont take anything serously

lol sorry I’m religious, i found him disrespectful towards Jesus (as), it was funny though, cause that guy made a fool of himself it was off da hook LMAO… but… yeah hehe. And no I’m not Christian, I’m Muslim and Jesus (as) is one of the most important prophets/messengers after Muhammad (saw). I was not born muslim I embraced Islam though.

The guy was a joker though lol, i just wana know where this was aired hahahaha… daaymnn…

vid no work for me… new link?

jesus saw it, got mad, and shut that shit down

part II