Jesus Debate

So I am sure most of you have heard about the finding of what some believe to be the bariel site of Jesus Christ. What do you guys think? Do you think it is real or not?

In todays world I honestly wish Jesus Christ would come back and walk the Earth again. Todays society and the world is going to shit. I cant imagine how bad the world will be by the time I am 50. The world is torn by fighting and creed. People are starting to lose the faith more and more that there is a God and that Jesus was some one special. I hope before I die that I will see the day the Jesus Christ walks this earth again and turns around the world and its every falling society.


Of note:
Religious discussions generally fail on this site. See:JEG
Also, its burial. Not bariel.
Furthermore, You should inculde a link to a reputable “news” site referencing this article.
“Torn by fighting and creed”? :mamoru:
and finally, Are You a member of the “world is” society?

And how many wars were fought and how many civilizations have been destroyed in the name of Christ and Christianity?


Jesus Christ does walk the earth today. He lives in Buffalo and he plays for the Sabres. He wears the #30 jersey.

thats my whole point. Something needs to be done and said to end it or else its going to keep going on and on and on. And I feel bad for the people that dont believe in a higher power.

oh and for the half witted people that dont have anything smart to say dont post comments.

Well it is Lent and the past few years it has been tradition for the Jews in the media to question christianity right about now.

What constitutes a “higher power?”

half-witted? This coming from the man who expects the man in the sky to come down through the clouds and turn the world into utopia? Oh, wait, thats not what the ultimate being is supposed to do anyways.
Why would You expect Jeebus to come to earth and intervene with human nature (war, destruction, etc)? Jeebus is supposed to come to earth to save & remove all the of the holy. Not make peace on earth.
As a matter of “fact”, Gawd is supposed to make hell on Earth, not the other way around. Boy, You must be one devout worshiper.

Something need to be done to end wars? I’ll have to assume that You are talking primarily about the jewish war and/or the american war. In which case, why in the fuck would Your Boi stop those? Humans are doing HIS work.

You feel bad for people that don’t believe in a higer power? Why?

Let me ask You a few things, simply so that I can form my own opinion (even though that is against Your apparent religion):
How is Your premarital sexlife?
How are Your charitble deeds coming along? It looks as if You’re doing well, judging by the vehicle list in Your nyspeed profile. So, are You managing to tithe in excess of 10%?
Are You managing to give Your time to those that need it?
Are You managing to spread the gospels and bring non-believers to the faith?

I’ll stop here, in anticipation of Your response.


well I have gone thru many hardships in my life and turned to God to help me out and family memebers. I choose to believe in a God that rules by a an Iron fist ( read the Old Testament). I truley wish that things would be like that now. Morals and respect for others is gone. People like yourself choose to not believe in something that you can not see, something that you can not touch, something that is not right in front of you. I have never been to Japan, never seen it, never touch the soil of it, but do I believe that it is there, yes. Its called having faith in something. And for your questions, do I live a sin free life, no but do I live a life in which I can give to others and help others out, yes. I dont know how people can go thru life not having faith or believing in something, sad:gotme:

Enough said.

Its called asking for forgiveness, enough said

If we all just became Muslims there would be peace in the world.

yes! this thread is going to blow up

this should just be locked b4 it gets out of hand

haha , you guys crack me up, why cant we just be adults and have an adult converstation about what you believe in:wave:

Apparently I need to explain what “enough said” implies.

You titled this thread “Jesus Debate”

You then proceed to state that You believe in an Iron Fisted God.

You then admitted that You do not live by the rule of Your own god.

How the fuck is anyone supposed to have an adult conversation / debate with You?


lol @ this thread… insert the train wreck picture…

im going to go out on a limb and believe more people on this site than not are not a big believer in 'da jesus

So You believe in god, the iron fisted one, and apparenltly consider Yourself an active believer.

Yet, You are going to BLATENTLY disregard Your religions rules & laws… simply because You INTEND TO SAY SORRY, LATER.

That, sir, is why this cannot be an adult debate.
