God or no god? Your vote?

In lights of widespread media of the push of “One Nation under no God” approach to government, just curious to see what the majority vote here is. God = any god you believe to exist, No God = Atheism.

This is a private vote, but feel free to discuss openly on religion in government.

How about one nation under Compassion, Dignity, Respect, Caring and Practical Common Sense. Religion seems to turn many people into idiots.

there is no god!

in before the bible thumpers

Even though I’m a no God vote, it’s hard to argue that when this country was much more religious, and people forced their kids to go to church, it was in a lot better shape than it is now.

With good parents, there is no need for the church for the kids to grow up with a sense of respect. But when you end up with bad parents, and no institution to teach their kids morals, you get today’s youth.


nuff said



Can’t have an itelligent conversation? Nothing said thus far brings any indication of a need to lock this thread, nor does the topic, if you stay on topic, head in a direction where one is arguing about someone elses religious beliefs, hence private poll.


wow, and the GODs pull ahead of the NOGODs late in the third.

the point is is that all these religion and or god threads end up in a trainwreck
do a search and you will probably find almost all of them have ended in a lock

i was merely getting in before the fact.

where is the “not sure” option? not everyone is either a clear cut yes or no…


it’s okay… becasue:

come on nogods, we’ve got to rally an pull through before the 5 o clock buzzer!

My thoughts exactly… is there a higher being??? maybe… does he or she effect the daily happenings of everyone??? highly unlikely…modern science dispells most theories presented based on “god”, but i like to believe that we didnt just appear outta no where …the more science uncovers the more i feel like the bible is a writing that is made to be the basic guidelines for living and not a direct recollection of history…not to discredit the bible…but it seems more of an old wives tale type thing to keep people in line…but i am no expert just my opinion



There is a god and he/she is pissed at me for whatever reason I do not know.

I do agree that things go to shit because of the parents. Obviously I am a lot older than most of you (Insert old joke here, I have heard them all) and when I grew up, I never even swore in front of my parents for fear of getting my assed kicked. To this day, I still do not swear in front of them. It is called respect.

The younger generation today does not have that respect. They do what they want when they want without fear of the consequences.

That is the thing that stands out most for me as to what has changed and why things get so fucked up in today’s society.

I have found however that through the people I have met on this site that some of this younger generation are doing just fine and there is hope…