I can’t believe people still believe in religion. I used to be religious, read the bible, all that shit. Until one day I actually did the unthinkable and questioned my faith. Guess what? i found out that NONE of it made sense. None of it. Ilya, answer these questions for me:
Explain how can people believe in a religion that was first implemented by the Egyptians thousands of years before “Jesus”. The SAME exact story line, just with different characters during a different time period?
How can you think of god as being good and great when a 16 year old virgin girl gets broadsided by a drunk driver and slowly burns to death while the serial child raper lives his whole life to 90 years of age never being caught?
Why does god hide? Why can’t he come out and say hey every once in awhile. I mean if loves us unconditionally then you think he would jump out and see how your doing, stop in for dinner sometime? Why hide behind a curtain, allowing all the bad in the world to happen, and expect people to beleive in him and if they don’t to hell they go?
Where did GOD come from? If everything has a begining and an end, what was his begining? NO sense in this question.
I could list thousand more but I think you will have you hands full with just these few.
I don’t need to live for anything other than what I have day to day. Family, friends, etc. I have accepted that when I die, I rot and worms eat my body. I don’t need to fantasize about something after death to deal with the fact of death. AND I am much happier now that I have come to this realization then when I was religious. Not my problem you can’t deal with death so you replace it with life…that dosent really exist.
I suppose you could say I am catholic, I used to attend church with my parents but as I grew older we started going less and less. I don’t go at all now. Why? I never enjoyed going to church, and I don’t see the point in putting myself through something I do not like doing…
I hate to say it but it’s the truth. I have never in my lifetime woke up on a Sunday morning and said “MOM, DAD… I can’t WAIT to go to Church with you guys this morning!”
Although I did like the nice breakfasts my mother used to make on Sundays. MMM, bacon… drool
Arguing with atheists is a waste of my time and theirs. They won’t change their opinion, and neither will I. We need to learn how to accept people for who they are. I don’t care that your atheist. I wish you the best of luck. I really do. I don’t sit here preaching to you and asking you to go to church to save yourself, etc. So stop ‘preaching’ to me and asking me to go get laid, etc. etc. It ain’t happenin until my fuckin wedding night. Got it?
I’m just sick of the fact that I’m virgin being brought up in every thread. So what. Have you nothing better to do? Grow the hell up. I have a different set of rules/standards that I live by. Big deal.
No, church is not religion.
For example - you can be religious, read your bible, believe in God, etc. But you do not NEED church to do all these things. Conduit.
I did not once say that I think YOU should go fuck a girl right now, or boy, whatever. I actually commend you for standing up for what you believe in and respect your opinion. But it just an opinion and I wanted to know your reasons for believing it because I am the direct opposite and like to know why people believe.
If anyone has a problem respecting your opinion then that is their problem, not yours. Don’t let it get you down. I simply like to know how people rationalize their beliefs.
I’m Catholic for my own reasons, some very strong some very minor, but I’m not balls-out. I go to church occasionally when I feel like it, but not every week, etc. In general I try to live a “Christian” lifestyle though. Help others, be true to yourself, all that good stuff. At the very least it is a nice set of guidelines to live a mentally and spiritually healthy life.
Also, a kind of comical way to think of it is if you “go along with it”, you’re “all set” when you die and turns out there is a God and heaven, and if turns out there is no God, no harm done. If you don’t practice and it turns out there is a God, you’ve got some explaining to do at the pearly gates
Anyway…I’m not going to post any more in threads of this nature. I don’t feel like making enemies. You people can have whatever opinion you want of me, but I will not take part in further discourse of this type.
Youre 100% correct, and thats why I have been done with religion for a LONG time. Seems there are soo many, what one is right/wrong. I know they say no one is “right”, but who the fuck knows. I dont force my beliefs on anyone, b/c I really dont care enough to lol.