hey, whatever, if someone doesn’t believe, im not going to question their integrity. In America you do what you want… I just hate those assholes who want to take “god” out of the pledge of allegiance, money, public buildings, remove the 10 commandments out of court buildings, sue places to make them say happy holidays, make schools call Christmas vacation “winter break” not allow Christmas trees in classrooms etc. All that is retarded, im sorry. America, historically, is a christian nation… this is why you drive through any average American town, big or small, you see Christmas decorations. You don’t see menorahs, crescents and whatever the fuck they use for Kwanzaa everywhere.
I’ve never had an atheist nut come to my door.
I’ve never seen an atheist nut riding a bike in the middle of winter going door to door in a suit.
I’ve never seen an atheist nut holding up a cardboard sign at a street corner.
When I lived on Springville avenue over by the UB south campus, religious people would go door to door, on almost a daily basis. It was quite annoying. They don’t take no for an answer either.
Really? Your mailman may even be atheist, bring up religion with him and see what he says.
I’ve never seen a religous person do this either? Maybe it was someone who works and doesnt have a car. You assume he is religious, fuck maybe he works for Avon?
Maybe because you are on a college campus where they have religion classes?
You really don’t understand the difference between a solicitor and someone working? The solicitor is coming there to push their view whatever it may be and is not comparable to your other examples. He isn’t assuming any of them are religious or not he is assuming they are not going to try to sell him on their view.
If he were athiest he wouldn’t ring my doorbell and ask to talk about my religious beliefs.
I used to see these 2 guys all the time. Riding their bikes around, then going door to door with the bibles in their hand. They were in suits with really long coattails.
I wasn’t on the campus. I was on Springville avenue which is North of Main Street. I forget the number exactly, somewhere in the low 300’s though. If you took the side street out to Bailey you were about 1/8 mile away from Buffalo Harley. Anyways, these people weren’t young. They were 30’s-40’s. Maybe they were students, but I doubt it.
are u atheist? because you’re trying to convince me religion is dumb without actually saying it
Nope, not atheist. Catholic. But I think it’s incredibly fucking stupid to go door to door trying to talk to people about god. Let people believe whatever the fuck they want to believe.
i think it is dumb to force your opinions onto someone no matter what they are…
I am atheists , and I belive religion is just a form of control that was greated when the common man did not know any better, its hard to pull the wool over the eyes of educated people… If you do some reading you can see christians created all the rules to shun the early greeks …
This is another thing that annoys me… the idea that if you are educated, then you must be smart enough to see that there is no such thing as “God”.
I like American cars. import guys are going to hell… they are blinded by the mpg and dependability.
when it comes to having loved ones around me at my death bed , I think of it this way, I want to always have my loved ones around me and in the eternal life. I believe in Heaven and God, Jesus, everything but I do not believe in everything the Bible says.
I have my own reasons for faith. Not just in fear of being excepted into Heaven but because things I have faced in my life.
When it comes to believing in God and Jesus, here is a simple way of looking at it. When you were growing up and you believed in Santa Clause, what harm did that do? It made you feel good, and have something to look forward to. When you were younger and you saw Santa Clause at the mall remeber the excitment that gave you? When you found out that Santa was not real, it hurt but at the same time when you look back, the best Christmas’s were the ones when you believed and you could not wait to run down and see what he brought you. Now thinking of it that way. If I go threw my life, believing in a figure that may to some not be real, who cares. When I pass and I find out if he is real or not, I will still be happy with the way I lived and the beliefs I carried. Santa and God are what you make of them, real or not, they are what you make of them, and not what others tell you to think. God is who you want him to be, and what you look for when you need answers or a outside strength to get you thru something.
Sad how afraid of each other people are. I’m happy keeping my views quiet, as are most people, both believers and non-believers alike. It’s the nuts holding signs on the street corners and posting videos on youtube that give us normal people a bad wrap.
You can’t tell me that it all ends in a slow ride in a hearse…
Amen to that.
If everyone Atheist and Christian alike would keep their personal beliefs to themselves then we wouldn’t have half the problems that we have today.
I will argue that there is a lot more pushing of beliefs from the side of the faithful than the side of the nonbeliever.
This is why I am a big believer in the separation of church and state.
It had nothing to do with hippies, they have their own fucked up beliefs.
I said Atheism has been rising since the 60’s pretty steadily. It has been around for over a thousand years.
Stop yelling!
And no I didn’t. I said that Christians tend to push their beliefs on people more than Atheists do.
And before that I said that I wish people would stop pushing their beliefs on to people. I never said your beliefs were stupid or that you should believe in what I believe in.
Re-read my post then try again.
i like to yell on teh internetz:mamoru:.
i dont know what happened, or how it was meant to be interpreted, but i took it as you think Religous people always seem to be pressing their views onto others
which is a belief you have
but in the sentence above you stated that people should just be quiet with their beliefs
But look at how this thread started, someone (who is not religious) trying to pursade others into watching some guy who is an atheist “preach” about how the church sucks and blah blah blah