christians that actually know the bible get in here

Actually i believe that the book is a great read , not because of its stories… i think the stories suck actually… thats prolly one of my biggest beefs

but the book is a good read for its morals and lessons , the stories are corny but the message is always good… there is no doubt in my mind that it tries to make you a better person… good book for that, but i prefer other books before the bible… i’ve read some of it tho… over the years at least

if i actually read books i’d prob read some of it. but i buy books, put them on the shelf and waste my time on the internet instead of reeding them. if you saw my books u would think i was a communist or fascist :lol

nice srs response ilya…for once i agree with something your saying (opposed to your contributions to political threads)

Your right on here:thumbup

there was a srs question here…and a lot you guys are just immediately posting bullshit about how Christianity is just crap…Im not personally a christian but i have read a good part of the bible and have a working knowledge of it and don’t mind a good discussion. This thread is the first i’ve seen here that has a legitimate possibility of being that.

Each his own but if you dont have anything to contribute then GTFO

christianity scares you?? Even if you think all of it extremely far fetched, you should at least be able to see the positive moral effect it has on our society. Outside of the stuf you need “faith” to believe it is pretty solid ideas for the way we should live our lives…dont steal,murder,cheat etc. Its an excellent base for society and is that which our country was founded on…

a good serious discussion isn’t gonna happen on this forum without there being 10x the posts that are trolling and add nothing.

:rofl:rofl i tried:lol

imo christianity/religion (gonna just refer to as religion now to encompass every religion) has had a lot more negative impact on society then positive. technology outlawed because of what the religious heads want, more murders carried out in the name of religion then any other thing in the world. if it wasn’t for religion i believe that society would be a lot more advanced. thankfully were slowly getting away from that but it’s hard, and i really believe religion is only there because people are scared of death, they don’t know what is going to happen after so they believe in something that tells them they don’t just rot away in the ground. which is all that is going to happen.

could u be more specific?^

the crusades… end point…

and i’ve read the bible many times and believe yes if you take its lessons and put them into your daily life it can make you a better person. but there have been thousands of horrible acts done on behalf of religion and not just Christianity. so let me edit my original post to say

all organized religion scares me…

^^ this

here we go again

This is the old “all Muslims are terrorists” argument. And “all Christians shoot doctors outside abortion clinics.”

Belief and emotion cause many terrible things. Religion accounts for very few of them.

religion is the root of all evil ,more peeeps died at the hand of some faceless god than any other situation


most wars start over a religous bias . if there was no religion that would equal less turmoil

The first part of that is absolutely false, the second part is an opinion I disagree with.

How can you not see that the aggregate effect religions have on the world is positive? You focus on the few terrible, negative examples of “religion.”

it is what it is ,i think religion is a bunch of shit that weak people use in times of dispair

and i’m out of this thread cause i’m already banging my head against the wall. have fun guys.

i love when people say you need to have “faith”. basically what they are saying is i have absolutely no evidence, and i expect you to read this book, listen to the man on the alter, and just believe what we say.

exactly ,look what most people say when suttin bad happens ,it is mostly OH GOD i think its a crutch im not knockin bible thumpers but i belive its a narrow minded mindset