Proof that bible is right.

I lost. :rofl


No holes in that theory :lol

Repost but seems appropriate

:rofl and they keep getting dumber by the second.

too much math. fuck that noise. bunch of illogical bastards

omg. most awesome reason as to why religious people are fucking retarded ever.

see everyone in hell!

Should we all neg rep vlad?

Yes. Go.

Fucking rep limit owning me tonight… You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Vovchandr again.

Negged him…

Just got a positive Rep from murrdog saying “neggin vlad”…

ill stay out of this one .

for now

And do what when you come back?

That troll summary is terrible.

It doesn’t account for fresh water.
It doesn’t account for recycling.
It doesn’t account for the fact that population grew ovr thousands of years.
It doesn’t account for animals.
It doesn’t account for the fact that humans weren’t around from the start of the planet.

Among other things.

I wonder how many religious nuts are dinosaur experts.

mostly that reason man , water is renewed all of the time , along with all the other things ya posted . the bible is full of so many holes and whatnot .

Hooray for renewable fucking resources

Pretty racy title for this thread. If I was muslim, islamic, jewish or any of the other religions I’d feel this thread is an attack on my personal beliefs.

cant proove it right or wrong its a story…fiction omebody wrote it and it gets rewritten as minds expand. but they do make alot of money with religion. churches dont pay taxes either. b.s another thing they take money any profit should pay taxes??? seperation of church and state not in america. do what makes you happy is my way of living. but i do have morals dont need church for morals imo. but many will argue…for me its better to look at every religion as fiction. just a story its a good read but i wouldnt fall for it.