christians that actually know the bible get in here

my favorite part about religion is that people always use it to explain what cannot be explained by science. like the moon, and the sun, and the stars…until science can explain it then its just something else. even today scientists cant explain certain things so they just resort to saying it’s god.

no most scientists cant prove jack shit…thats just the point, they resort to these ridiculous theories that are just as far fetched as religious explanations.
Some of my favorite include but are not limited to evolution, the big bang theory,and their system for carbon dating:rofl There all fuckin jokes…and their newest production of bullshit…global warming! Its a disgrace to science to call these theories anything more than theories:retardclap

Well said

Pauly D does not understand the Jewish religion. He just wants to get to the business.

Wow. Some of you guys just hate on people who believe in God (doesn’t matter which religion) without knowing anything about it. You assume and draw assumptions based on a few bad apples or a few bad leaders. Not everyone who is a believer wants to kill or go to war. In fact, I signed a government paper when I became a citizen stating I WILL NOT be on the front lines of war (meaning holding a gun and shooting it) if there is a draft. MANY of us Christians feel that way. We wouldn’t hurt a fly. So go ahead, judge us all by a few. That’s fine. It just makes you look even more ignorant.

JClark, Slwrthnu, DFD, Singh…thank you for your posts and for being civil. While I agree some churches and some interpretations of the Bible/other holy books are taken the wrong way and weird rules are created (for example my church is pretty strict, but I don’t agree with half of their rules and do my own thing to the best of my understanding)…I completely agree with the notion that as a whole, the Bible does help people be better citizens and parts of society because it calls them to be better people. Can someone be a great person without reading the Bible? Absolutely. More power to those people. They deserve to be commended for doing the right thing. But for the rest of us, we need those Biblical examples. I personally believe those things happened, but even if I didn’t, they are still good examples.

As some others and I have said…it’s up to you and to each his own. I’m not here to change opinions or condemn people. I’m just here to express my opinion. Take it or leave it. Up to you.

very well put post. i think my original posts came off the wrong way so let me elaborate slightly. the things that “terrify” me about organized religion is the blind following. yes many people would not follow anything but A LOT will and have. i believe in questioning pretty much everything and gaining knowledge for yourself. not leaving it up to my “faith”. i have the same aspect towards most things in life though not just religion. but you cannot tell me that there is not a long blood trail following Christianity. there most certainly is and the fact that people don’t acknowledge that or want to forget it is just wrong.

Besides global warming, everything you have listed is a proven scientific fact.


The bible is a handbook for civil daily life. It is the instruction manual for how to conduct yourself and interact with others in a civil way that is beneficial to yourself and the community. The book is excellent, and its wisdom is incredible when you think about when it was written and how relevant it still is in many ways today.

The entire concept of god heaven and hell is merely a scare tactic employed to ensure that the masses would adhere to the rules of social conduct laid out in the book.

The bible in fact is probably the #1 reason why we have a civilized society at all today. However there are other “rule books” that were published thousands of years ago that are just as good, such as the Buddhist, Jainist, and Taoist religions all have similar manuals for life. All of these books are merely ways to improve the civility of society and attempt to maintain a proper social order. even these religions employ similar reward and punishment ruses as an attempt to ensure the obedience of the follower.

+1 to what is said above.

Besides global warming, everything you have listed is a proven scientific fact.[/quote]

The Big Bang Theory is just that. A theory.

Yes, evolution happens (to an extent). I don’t know enough about carbon dating to comment on that. And global warming makes sense but again, I don’t know enough about to it to say it’s completely correct, etc.

But the Big Bang Theory? It’s a theory which hasn’t been proven to have any merit.

PJB posted that picture with Jesus on the cross…here’s one regarding Big Bang Theory (see below)…

Here is an excerpt of a paper I co-wrote with someone in back in college:

The Big Bang theory can be disproved by two different laws of physics. The first is the First Law of Thermodynamics, which states that matter cannot be made or destroyed simply by itself. It leaves us with two choices: someone made the world, or the world made itself. The Big Bang theory cannot even be proven logically because if all we see around us came from nothing, which means the emptiness was a vacuum, then how could nothing pack itself together into one dense pile? Also, there would be no gravity to push it together. And if somehow there was, it wouldn’t be able to expand with all that gravity pushing on it. Also, heat cannot be produced out of nothing.

The following describes the inconsistency of the Big Bang theory with other laws of physics: The intense heat caused by the exploding nothingness is said to have changed the nothingness into protons, neutrons, and electrons. First, an empty vacuum in the extreme cold of outer space cannot get hot by itself. Second, an empty void cannot magically change itself into matter. Third, there can be no heat without an energy source.
The Big Bang theory can also be disproved by the Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum, which says that if a spinning object, the dense matter in this case, breaks apart, the parts that come off will spin in the same direction as the original object in a frictionless environment. For example, if an object is spinning clockwise, and a part of it breaks off, it will also continue spinning clockwise. If the Big Bang theory is true and the universe began as a spinning dense dot, then all the galaxies and planets should all be spinning the same way. However, we have Venus and Uranus spinning backwards, and eight of the ninety-one known moons are spinning backwards. Jupiter’s, Saturn’s and Neptune’s moons spin in both directions. Many scientists combat this point by saying that the reason these objects spin in different directions is because they have collided into other spinning objects. This would be true if there was matter that existed before the Big Bang. Since the Big Bang was the beginning, there was no other matter around. Science itself disproves the so-called scientific theory of the Big Bang.

Cliff Notes:

all hail Zeus the king of all gods!!!

I dont care what people believe, but I cant understand how people feel so strongly without any understanding of the facts. Are they not curious at all, or are they just looking for an opinion that they can argue for?

I grew up in a non-denominational Christian church. I’ve read the Bible cover to cover. I’ve also read the Qur’an and Buddhist texts - because I’m a curious person and want to keep learning about everything. And I’m not a spiritual person.

John- you know very well that I put a lot of weight in provable science, but you would be shocked at what science cannot back up in that list you quoted. Carbon dating is a joke - arbitrary results that cant be duplicated in the same test. Evolution is most certainly not proven. The failures of science to explain certain things don’t make the news, but its definitely out there if you’re a curious person.

u cant change the way people think dude, especially over the net… don’t waste your energy…yano ?

ya but u should slow down a sec… example like global warming… i’de blame that on the government before scientists

what i’m saying is, there is alot of shit involved…more politics than you think

Illya. From a purely scientific point of view with no religion your first thermodynamic argument has at least a slight basis in science, however your second argument is complete jibberish.

If an object breaks off a spinning mass it will travel in a straight line and will not rotate. this is high school stuff.

That’s the research I found back when I wrote the paper.

Fact of the matter is, from what I read while researching the subject, science itself disproves the Big Bang Theory. It’s just a theory. I don’t know why people put so much stake in it.

The same can be said for believing in a creator. It’s just a ‘theory’ that me and others have.

That’s why, as I’ve said, it’s up to you on what you choose to believe.

How about this, everyone just admits that they have NO FUCKING CLUE how we got here, and we never will. Its part of life, and if people actually knew, I think things would be alot worse off. Tell yourself what you have to believe at the end of the day and be happy with life while it lasts. God or no god, Im not going to have any regrets.

There is a God. That is all.

+1. Too each his own.

Exactly what I am saying! But many people don’t look into things and assume their proven.

What annoys me the most are teachers and professors…Just last fall I had a sociology professor who was talking to the class about global warming like it was factual occurrence. :wow I was the only one who disputed it and everyone just nodded there head…yaaa global warming baaaaad.

You want to talk about relgious people following blindly? how about people following anything blindly…ie our nation blindly following Obama…HOPE…CHANGE:rofl:rofl

I was taught in HS that evolution is a fact…scoff* and carbon dating was extremely accurate when in reality most scientists will admit accuracy is stretched between 3,000-5,000 yrs back…yet they date back billions of years:lol

My example is that it is an insult to science to call it anything but a theory…but people talk about it like science backs it up when it clearly does not.

I am well aware of the politics behind it. I believe “global climate change” is nothing more than a mask for bringing about global socialism…but thats a whole other bag of apples.:shifty

I’ve come to one conclusion out of all of this, and has been narrowed down to being my only argument.

I understand that both sides have valid points, between religion and science, both being considered opposites and people have their reason for choosing what path to follow.

But that is what gets me. Neither side has the ability to say 100% FOR SURE, this is the way the world works. So why is then that people decide to follow one path with 100% dedication? Why is it that everyone picks a side, then argues it with arguments based out of mostly emotion and “facts” that can’t be proven?

It kills me to see people living their entire lives devoted to either religion or science, choosing lifestyles, arguments, morals, whole ways of life, based on something that has as many fallacies as it does facts.

I say that everyone just need to step back and have an open mind. Except the world for what it is and use what works for you.