Pope given last rites....

Pope John Paul II has been given the last rites of the Roman Catholic Church as his health deteriorates, a Vatican source tells CNN.

damn…I hope he goes peacefully

yeah he just need to go, i feell bad for the guy… just sooo sick

i think the church is long overdue for a new leader. i’m not gonna bad mouth the pope but its his time. pope is like " i ain’t gonna be out done by some vegtable in florida" God bless the pope.

I think some one should appeal to the florida courts then take it to the supreme courts…

they die in three’s you had delorean last week, jonny cochran, pope?

I feel bad for the guy but I don’t understand why he is so special and worshiped. I mean I know he is a religious man but he is no closer to God than any of us are. I dunno I am not Catholic so it is kind of odd to me.

I do hope he goes in peace though no one deserves to die in a cruel way

maybe they did and they removed his feeding tube?

he is god’s right hand man, the all holyness… i find it easier to just respect him, don’t question it.

Look at the pope as president of the catholic fan club.

boosted what religion are you if you are not catholic :dunno:

with all these religious threads I see you in I thought you were di hard catholic…


My family has a strong a Polish heritage, so I have always followed the Pope closely. In Poland the Pope is credited with freeing the country from Communmism single handedly. As history progresses, his legacy won’t only be in religon.

personally I don’t like the catholic faith and don’t believe in confession and purgatory, but anyway I am baptist

meh, I guess he was actually a pretty free thinker as far as religious nutbags go. Hope he goes in a nice way.

I’m not even catholic, but the pope rocks. God speed.

The pope has no hope according to officals. He has lost conciousness…

(no I didn;t make that up that is what is says at the bottome of the new station…)

The Right Door has been closed. When the left door closes its all over. :frowning: