Pope given last rites....

just another person, to me

I don’t like to see people suffer, so I hope it’s quick and painless though.

So is my mom (and she raised me that way).

So Mike, when you are talking to him, think of him like you think of my mom… :ugh2:

hey as long as he don;t tell me I;m a savior one week, then a hethen the next and tell me how to run my life with snide remarks then me and him will get along fine

Anyone have a live feed to update us when he goes?

watch the news or do like my buddy at work and read the german and Itialian message boards :smiley:

Winamp TV??? :dunno:

We have our packet shaper throttle media streams to next to nothing, aka it doesnt work. Theres a pass-through feature but I don’t have the password caseu Im not the admin

yahoo.com just put up that the pope died :dunno:

Good, he should have died a long time ago.

Now what happens? Is there like a process to get a new bastard?

I;m watching Fox news Live and they have not anncounced that yet…

The Papal Apartment lights are still on. when they go out its over and the door shuts…

they are slow, yahoo knows everything. :smiley:

well they are located on the internet so it must be true…


The formal Vatican tradition goes like this:

When a pope dies, the prefect of the papal household, currently American Archbishop James Harvey, tells the camerlengo, or chamberlain, who is the most important official running the Holy See in the period between the death of a pope and the election of a new one.

The camerlengo, now Cardinal Eduardo Martinez Somalo of Spain, must then verify the death — a process which in the past was done by striking the forehead of the pope with a silver hammer.

The camerlengo then tells the vicar of Rome, who informs the people of the city.

The prefect of the papal household then tells the dean of the College of Cardinals, now Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who then formally informs the rest of the college, ambassadors accredited to the Holy See, and heads of state around the world.

so they beat the dead pope with a silver hammer :cool:

yea to make sure hes really dead

couldn’t they just check his pulse. :dunno:

maybe popes are robots and they dont have pulses

could be, I never met a pope before :slight_smile: