Pope given last rites....

thats some over-rated stuff if i’ve ever heard it. Its not like the world is going to crumble to pieces when he dies b/c the all knowing and seeing power that is the pope has kicked the bucket.

If he’s not already dead, when they slam him in the forehead with a silver hammer he will be.

yeah i bet that they really hit him hard enough to crack his skull…

you never know what those freak catholics will do. It could happen :slight_smile:

Take a joke there, kiddo.

I was listening today and there is a 9 day time period between when a pope dies and when he is buried. Thats a hell of a long time. They also bury him under the main cathedral in the Vatican (I think its St. Pauls, i’m not sure) where all the other popes have been buried for 500+ years. Thats wild. IT will be neat just to see exactly the way they go on selecting a new one, etc…

blasphemy! religion does not bend to the will of such secular medicine. the time honored practice of smacking him in the skull with a silver mallet to confirm death is plenty. Have I mentioned lately how much i love religion.

no it won’t.

a bunch of religious dudes have a meeting and decide who they want to promote, :gives:


more in the last 24 hours than most of us care to read about in a year

You have a point… Someone made a mention of how he is God’s right hand man. I understand that, but it’s not like god elected him there… He was elected to be the head of the church by a vote of his peers.

As funny as it sounds, its probably true that the Pope should be percieved as the head of the Cathlolic Fan Club. It makes sense

god didnt elect him because god doesnt exist. Its kinda hard to do get things done when you are nothing more than a figment in peoples imaginations.

I’m on the fence about God. I dont know if I believe or I dont believe. At this moment, I think that 80% of the religious people in this world believe in God not because they think he is holy and they want him to be a part of them, but because they are extremely afraid of what might happen to them if they DONT believe in him and there really is a God.

Just my take.

thats a pretty good take if you ask me. Religion in my mind is pointless self-validation/self-affirmation. Its easier to just believe in god and heaven than to have to worry and wonder about what actually happens to us when we die. I mean, how many of us who claim to be religious and believe in god really lead their lives by his “word”? How many people think to themselves “this is a sin, i better not do this because god is watching right now” before they do something? Why do we need god to tell us what is ok and what is not ok. And to further complicate things, there are like 11ty billino different versions of god, and thats just within christianity. Compare Roman Catholics to Baptists to Protestants. They are light years apart.

they’re not different versions with the exception of catholics the differences between presbyterians, baptists, and the such is HOW they worship (or the structure of what happens on sundays) not who or what they believe in. catholocism is on a whole different level with the almost “worship” of Mary, the pope, and their “levels of holiness” i’m not sure how the protestant faith is but i’m guessing somewhere in between.

its not almost worship of mary its is worship. Every year catholics celebrate mary with the ceremony know as “may crowning”

well i pretty much was eluding to that without pissing anyone off in this thread by saying “ya’ll worship mary”

more than you think. personally i don’t exactly follow step for step but religion keeps me from going to far off the path. Everytime i feel like puttin a bullet in someones head i know i already sinned cause i though about doing it. If we didn’t have a God telling us it would reflect in our basic laws that were set fourth by the founding fathers. God tell us not to kill, murder is not legal.

with that kind of thinking murder would be legal because “who’s god to tell us we can’t”

i miss read that the first time. God is the father almighty, creator of heaven in earth, thats who he is to me and those who belive in him. There is too much science can’t explain for God to not exist.

i was replying to mike i know what u meant cutty