New Pope?

Am I alone in thinking this is completely irrelevant and not nearly worth the airtime that it’s getting on every channel right now?

Dude, he’s our direct connection to God. I mean, the dude instantly becomes a top 6 friend on God’s MySpace.

Well based on the amount of Christian and Catholic parishioners throughout the world, it makes sense. The Pope serves multiple roles and while his importance isn’t necessarily seen by the lay person, he has a great impact to the Catholic community.

I was expecting this thread to be about the potential of a Canadian pope, which is still likely.

In the same sense that some people ignore the US military’s leading role in world relief efforts because of bias, some people ignore the role of Catholicism in terms of charity, health care, literacy, etc. throughout the world and at home. The Pope is the head of this effort and his decisions effect millions of people, religious or not.

Not to mention it’s a job that has had a continuous line of succession for 2,000 years. The symbolism and ceremony of it all is pretty neat.

I think I heard there are 1.2 billion of us so the coverage is understandable.

whats his spot on god’s speed dial?

Well that didn’t take long. White smoke billowing out right now.

I wonder if we are going to get two Nazis in a row?

Pope Benedict was in the German Army … but, not a Nazi.

“money is the root of all evil, yet I still feel our own currency would be a cool idea”

There’s some serious irony in the world watching via web live stream for smoke coming out of a chimney. Old and new communications collide.

yeah srsly. just live tweet the choice and get on with it.

also, local news station fail:

This just in!

Modern day religion is irrelevant and corrupt!

lol I was waiting for an atheist to come in ranting about their own religion.

The Vatican helped nazis get out of Europe in WWII and helped fuel conflicts in all parts of the world after that so why does Jewish media give them so much coverage for the pope?

Much like Catholicism, some of us are more obnoxious about it than others. It can’t be helped.

truth. similar to muslims and how not all of them wish death to america.

don’t get me wrong…I don’t discredit the values and lessons within the stories in the bible/practices of catholicism, I just think actually BELIEVING the stories to be truth is a load of shit.

Pretty much this, and I learned awhile ago arguing about it is a waste of time, people will believe what they want to believe. You’d think I’d learn the same lesson when it comes to arguing about politics, but no such luck.

I believe the stories in the Bible however I may not take all of them literally.