I put them on the same pedestal as childrens stories… the story of goldilocks and the three bears teaches you not to steal, too.
Pope Francis I, the artist formerly known as Jorge Mario Bergoglio from Argentina.
A new cult leader?
time for the dirt to surface…
Catholic Reporter remind us: In 2010 #pope #Francis said gay adoption is a form of “discrimination against children.”
I’ll submit to the pageantry arguement.
It’s entertaining to say the least. I enjoy the pageantry no matter how ridiculous or irrelevant.
I just love how with money being no object they use the cheapest harbor freight chimney to signal the new pope.
it’s on the secret menu.
you just have to have faith that they sell it.
nailed it!!! A++
---------- Post added at 07:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:50 PM ----------
Yeah makes sense.
*white americans
Ib4 the word evolution
Reuters: New pope urges Church to return to its Gospel roots
Thank goodness for all this. I was worried for a moment they would wake up and make some progress. +1 for secularism.
lol Bing, religion =/= politics. Politics can progress it’s core message whenever it wants. Religion doesn’t “progress” otherwise it wouldn’t be religion. If a religion does change it’s beliefs it becomes a different religion, Protestant vs. Catholic for example. The Pope doesn’t decide what the religious beliefs Catholics will follow because those beliefs are not determined by him or any other Catholic for that matter.
I find it hilarious that no one in the media understands this and subconsciously views everything as politics.
I know this doesnt have to deal with the pope, but still had to post this in here since I dont want to start another religion thread.
Praise the lord, he told me to do it!
People are screwed in the head. Watch the video at the end. Guy on the left looks to be enjoying the other mans stroking formation.
Thank you!