hump day = Ash Wednesday

remember for those catholic folk… no meat today!!

i know :frowning:

yup yup! Indian dinner tonight :slight_smile:


I had a big mac for all of you guys today. :smiley:

not eating meat is lame, how does that show you are a believer?

It’s a traditional thing. If you really want to know PM me.

Ever see the documentary Super Size?

haha… yeah fatty

i guess i just do it out of respect. say what you want, but i will continue to eat fish through the season.


i’m not knocking it, I was just wondering what not eating meat proves.

I grew up catholic and was never allowed to eat meat on friday’s during lent, but now I do eat burgers and steak on friday and everything is still cool :dunno:

Well there is no clear answer on why meat in particular isn’t allowed, but there are many theories.

“The practice of abstaining from meat on Fridays may have grown out of respect for the day Jesus was sacrificed. We remember his death by not eating flesh on Fridays, Baltes said.”

Another theory could be that as Catholics, fasting helps us relate to the poor. You can take this in many ways. Not spending as much money on food, not being able to buy food that is more expensive (ie: meat). It depends on how you interpret it. A lot of these traditions were created centuries ago and have evolved. Now we just stick with tradition and change as it applies.

oh, OK

as I take another bite of my burger :D:D:D:D:D

Then you should go watch that documentary! :wink:

I saw it this weekend, OMG I am never eating fast food again. Well unless it’s a salad ha ha…

Lent was created in 325 AD.

Originally, it meant you fasted while the sun was up.

A series of popes since have watered it down to its current state. It’s supposed to make you “die” to your desires until your “rebirth” with Christ on Easter.

Since it’s a creation of the pope and not a creation of the Bible, I don’t see why it’s practiced. I always loved the short lines at the Taco Bell in Shaler’s cafeteria though.

I had fast food every day for 2 years in high school and a good bit still, and have no problems. i’m sure I have eaten worse. :slight_smile:

I used to eat bugs and stuff as a kid, a little dirt on a burger is nothing. :smiley:

I’m catholic, and damn, that new york strip i just had was good

most religous rules are like that, made up shit. but people follow it like they will be better people for following some made up rule 2000 years ago.


Supersize me was awesome. It was just not eating fast food, but being as inactive as the “average” american that lead to that guys problems. Great movie.

i met that dude ^^

Define “made up”

than why did we :gaysex: this morning!u took the meat deep! :blue: